Captioning requirements for video producers
Burned in captions are required for all videos on Harvard Chan School's flagship Instagram account, and preferred for all videos on other social media accounts.
For videos that will be posted on YouTube and embedded on the School's website, please deliver a video file with a matching .srt file.
Use this guide for styling open captions in video clips and social media assets in Adobe Premiere.
Font files and samples are available here
Video size 1920x1080
Click image to enlarge
Read first:
- Be sure Proxima Nova - Bold is installed on your computer prior to adjusting caption styles.
- These instructions are based on 1920x1080 source file size. Be sure your captions frame size is set to 1920x1080 (to change, right click on the captions in the bin, "Modify > Captions..."). If your source video file is not 1920x1080 you may need to adjust the captions' frame size and font size accordingly.
- These instructions are based on Adobe Premiere's captions utility (not title text)
Click image to enlarge
- Font: Proxima Nova, Bold
- Size: 45
- Edge: 0
- Line-Spacing: 40
- Text alignment: Center
- Background color: #A51C30 (crimson)
- Background opacity: 90
- Text color: #FFFFFF (white)
- Text opacity: 100
- Position: Lower center
(X positioning is automatically determined by the length of each caption's line, Y is automatically determined by the amount of lines in the caption and sits just on the document's title safe area.)
Alternative colors
Use these alternative colors when crimson doesn't fit the need or mood of the video. When you've chosen a color, it is best to use the same one consistently per project or series.
1. Default (#a51c30; background opacity 90%)
2. Grey (#484c58; background opacity 90%)
3. Dark grey (#1d2024; background opacity 90%)
Video size 1080x1080 (Social)
Click image to enlarge
Read first:
- Be sure Proxima Nova - Bold is installed on your computer prior to adjusting caption styles.
- These instructions are based on a 1080x1080 sequence size ("Sequence > Sequence Settings..."). Be sure your captions frame size is set to 1080x1080 (to change, right click on the captions in the bin, "Modify > Captions...").
- These instructions are based on Adobe Premiere's captions utility (not title text)
Click image to enlarge
- Font: Proxima Nova, Bold
- Size: 60
- Edge: 0
- Line-Spacing: 20
- Text alignment: Left
- Background color: #A51C30 (crimson)
- Background opacity: 90
- Text color: #FFFFFF (white)
- Text opacity: 100
- Position: Lower left
Questions? Please email the Office of Communications at