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Table of Contents


"Main entry" is a MARC term; DACS speaks of “creator(s)” This is the person/corporate entity/family/etc predominantly associated with, or responsible for creating the collection. The MARC standard states that "For archival collections, this idea of authorship is not always clear-cut. The main entry may contain the name of the person, family, or entity responsible for bringing the materials together. Alternatively, the main entry may contain the name of the person, family, or entity for whom or which a collection is named." Sometimes a relator term is needed after this name, to explain the relationship (see $$e below). This name is also part of the devised title in the >245.

This field displays as ‘Author’ in the HOLLIS OPAC as ‘Author.In rare cases, if no creator information is available, do not use this field and start the record with the title field >245

Table of Contents


100   Main entry – personal name. (DACS 2.6). Required if known

[updated 11/7/2013]

Make sure that you enter the name in its authorized form. If the person does not appear in the LC name-authority file (NAF) and if the name is the same as that of another author in HOLLIS OPAC, then you may make an addition to it. Use dates if possible. "Active" is allowed if necessary. Otherwise use a fuller form of the name or a distinguishing term, preferably one given in the collection or in a reference book. It is, however, acceptable to leave the name undif­ferentiated if absolutely necessary.  

        See DACS for examples.

        See DACS 10.1. for more information on establishing names.

        In this field, abbreviations are used as listed in the authorized form in the NAF. 

The main entry form of the name must be exactly as it is listed in the <eadheader><filedesc><titlestmt><titleproper> section of the EAD finding aid and this includes relator terms used. This is a requirement of Harvard bib standards. 


1st   0      Forename.


1st       0         Forename.






Family name.


2nd   <blank> undefined

Subfields [see MARC21 full specifications for details of use]:

$$a   Personal name.

$$b   Numeration.

$$c   Title and other words associated with a name.

$$d   Dates associated with a name.

$$e   Relator term. 

For a list of these, see MARC Code List for Relators or RDA, appendix I. When using the 1xx field, it is assumed that the entry is the “creator” of the collection. Use a relator term when the 1xx entry is something other than the creator; the relator term will explain the relationship. Often the term used will be  ‘compiler,’ ‘collector,’ or ‘recipient’ (notice the distinction between compiler and collector in the aat). Never abbreviate these relator terms. 

RDA  local decision: We have decided NOT to use the term $$eauthor or $$ecreator with every collection. A relator term should be used only when its use helps to distinguish the relationship between the 1xx and the 245.

$$q   Fuller form of name. The contents of this subfield go in parentheses.


$$j   Attribution qualifier. Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious, or pseudonymous.  Qualifiers should be used that follow the name of a known artist for the work.


See: controlled vocabulary list


of attribution qualifiers for artists' names 

Common ones are:


      $$jAssociate of.

      $$jAttributed to.

      $$jCircle of.

      $$jFollower of.

      $$jOffice of.

      $$jPupil of.

      $$jSchool of.

      $$jStudio of.

      $$jStyle of.

      $$jWorkshop of.

Punctuation: End with a mark of punctuation.   This usually means adding a full point, but do not do this when the text ends with a hyphen after a birth date or with a right parenthesis.  


            100  1_   $$aSmith, A. B.                           

NOTE: Adjacent personal name initials/letters or an abbreviation for a name and an adjacent name or initial/letter are separated by one space. 


110   Main entry – corporate name. (DACS 2.6; 10) Required if known

[updated 9/12/2013]

NOTE: If a collection is generated by an organization representing a periodical such as Nation, or Transition, we would consider the main entry a corporation and use the field 110, and add a 730 for the serial. See MARC21 guidelines for coding.

indicatorsIndicators:1st    0      

1st       0           Inverted name.



   1           Jurisdiction name.

           2           Name in direct order.

2nd   undefined, leave blank.


2nd    <blank>  undefined


$$a   Corporate name.

$$b   Subordinate unit (repeatable).

$$c   Location of meeting.

$$d   Date of meeting.

$$e   Relator term.



            110  0_   $$aNewman (Jean and Dorothy) Industrial Relations Library.


                           NOTE: There are no spaces used in initialisms or in personal name initials/letters.  


111   Main entry – meeting name. (DACS 2.6; 10) Required if known

[updated 9/12/2013]


NOTE: if a relator term is used with a 111 entry, a $$j is used (not a $$e).



111 2_ $aVatican Council$n(1st :$d1869-1870)


130   Main entry – uniform title. (DACS 2.6; 10)   

Not usually used when cataloging a collection but possible. If a collection is generated by an organization representing a periodical such as Time, we would consider the main entry a corporation and use the field 110, and add a 730 for the serial. See MARC21 guidelines for coding. 
