Post-Imaging Workflow Outline
- Receive and open DRS reports in Outlook.
- Using the DRS report, copy image or object URN/s from email into spreadsheet.
- Request any finding aids needed from Senior Manuscript Cataloger or back-up as instructed.
- Link material in ALEPH or finding aid/s.
- Review linking/s in Hollis or OASIS preview and QC objects in the PDS.
- Update spreadsheet to reflect work completed.
- Save DRS report.
As Needed:
- Save DRS reports and pull relevant data (detailed in DRS Reports).
- Test links
- Link material in Alma or ArchivesSpace.
- For orders marked "c-l" in the tracking spreadsheet, send an email to the patron with URNS copied in placeholder.
- Non restricted orders use the "HOU - Link Delivery" template under the "Email" pull down in Aeon
- Restricted orders use the "HOU - Link, 2-week" template under the "Email" pull down in Aeon
- Update tracking spreadsheet.