See also: Checklist for Consolidating an Alma Library
In order to check items back in ("return items"), and for other functions, Alma requires users to change their "Currently at" circulation location to match the Library ownership of the item being processed. For example: when returning WID items, the operator must select Widener Library - WID Circulation from the location list in the upper-right hand corner of Alma. Due to the nature of shared services and pseudo-libraries, many users must therefore have access to multiple library circulation desks in order to fulfill work functions. The need to switch locations for certain pseudo-libraries has created workflow issues and processing delays in some cases (FAL-RUB; LAM-DOC,POE,MIC) where the libraries/locations in question are actually functionally managed by a different library.
Where possible, to simplify workflows, consolidation projects have been undertaken:
Fine Arts - Rubel consolidation (Fall 2019)
Rubel location codes to be consolidated under FAL. Functionally these materials are already managed by Fine Arts Library.
Project Leads
Library Lead - Jessica Aberle
LTS Lead - Kara Young / Laura Morse
HL ITS Lead - Scott Wicks
Task Checklist
Decision Point | Decision |
Alma Orders - Analysis | Both libraries have ITS 625 ACW acquire for relationship. POL update not required |
Collection Mapping | GEN to RUBGEN; HDSC to RUBHDSC; HD to RUBHD; RUBLC to RUBLC (same); RUBXC to RUBXC (same); RR to RUBRR; VISCO to RUBVISCO; XCAGE to RUBXCAGE; HDSCP to RUBSDSCP (these are codes for |c. the |b code will be FAL) New Location - RUBRD Deleted Locations - RUB-DI |
Item Policies | No change in item policies |
Record Update Start | December 9, 2019 |
Reports and Documentation
- Temp items: RUB_tempItems_20191115.xlsx
Lamont- Documents/Poetry/Microfilms (Fall 2019)
Project Leads
Library Lead - Marty Schreiner
LTS Lead - Kara Young / Laura Morse
HL ITS Lead - Scott Wicks
Task Checklist
Decision Point | Decision |
Alma Orders - Analysis | Both libraries have ITS 625 ACW acquire for relationship. POL update not required |
Collection Mapping | Map existing DOC/POE/MIC locations to Lamont by appending old owning "library" code to collection code.
Item Policies | No change in item policies |
Record Update Start | TBD |
Reports and Documentation
- Locations exported from Alma on 9/5/19: DOC_locationList_20190905.xlsxMIC_locationList_20190905.xlsxPOE_locationList_20190905.xlsx
- Item counts by location for POE/DOC/MIC on 9/5/19: POE_DOC_MIC Item Counts by LIB_LOC_20190905.xlsx
- Temp items: MIC_DOC_POE_tempItems_20191115.xlsx