Restricted material needs special attention in the finding aid.
In the finding aid, you must put a note in the general "Access" section as well as in the folder heading.
- in Access section:
Write separate paragraphs for open and closed material to set them apart visually.
<p>Most of the collection is open for research.<p>
<p>Folder #83.12 is closed until January 1, 2025. <p>
If you have multiple closure dates, use a separate <p> for each one. If you foresee this becoming onerous, discuss it with your team lead and/or Ellen.
Public services prefers restriction statements written in the model of this finding aid:
NARAL Additional Papers - In Inventory:
Use the <accessrestrict> tag in folder titles. The note appears in OASIS as:
Access Restrictions: CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 1, 2025.
If you have consecutive folder groups with the same closure date, or folders/series that require written permission or a special form, those should be stated in the Access statement (and match in the bib record)–e.g.,
“Folders #49-51, 53-56, 90-91 are closed until January 1, 2057. Folder #126 is closed until January 1, 2038.”
If an entire series shares a restriction, please use the box and folder #s (#2.4 - 7.6) and not the series number (Series III) in the Access statement.
Wording for Access statements will vary; please consult your team lead.