alma920 PowerShell script
Name: alma920.ps1
Created: 2018-12-04 by V.M. Downey for Houghton Technical Services
Description: Windows PowerShell v. 1 script to create a text string for the Alma 920 field and copy the string to the clipboard
Setup (Windows 10)
- Save alma920.psi to workstation by right-clicking on the file below and chose "save link as"
- Create a shortcut to alma920.ps1 (right click on file and select Create Shortcut)
- Move shortcut to Desktop (and, optionally, rename shortcut)
- Right click on shortcut and select Properties
- Select Shortcut tab
- Copy and paste following text into Target box: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -File alma920.ps1
- (Optional) Assign shortcut keys using the Shortcut key box
- Change Run value to "Minimized"
- Click Apply
- Click OK
How to Use
- Create a new field in the Alma holdings record (F8)
- Type "920" for the field and "11" for the indicator values
- Double click on the alma920 shortcut (or use shortcut keys, if assigned)
- Select a cataloging type ($$a) value and a curatorial department ($$x)
- Click OK to save the 920 string to the clipboard
- Paste string into 920 field
Note: The blank $$a can be left in the 920 field. When the record is saved, the blank subfield will be deleted.
- Default cataloging type ($$a) value is "a" (accession) and default curatorial department ($$x) value is "modbm" (Modern Books & Manuscripts).
- The date ($$d) and cataloger ($$f) values are computer-generated. The date is today's date; the cataloger is from the computer username.