Objective: Resume onsite activities in a flexible way with a focus on ramping up FY22 acquisitions to pre-COVID levels.
Priority 1: Discuss and adopt norms for working in a shared office environment
Priority 2: Prioritize cataloging, digitization, arrangement and description, and end-processing on materials and orders received/acquired during COVID-19 while keeping pace with current acquisitions and orders
Priority 3: Integrate conscious and inclusive cataloging and description best practices into appropriate section documentation
Objective: Collaborate more closely with colleagues in Arts and Special Collections (Fine Arts, Music, and Film Archive) and Harvard University Archives.
Priority 4: Building on existing relationships and collaborative projects, invite colleagues from Arts and Special Collections and University Archives to TS Department Meetings or attend joint ventures
Priority 5: Organize an informal, virtual meet and greet
Objective: Study and implement relevant portions of the OCLC report on the Total Cost of Stewardship.
Priority 6: Calculate available resources for acquisitions, cataloging, processing, digitization, and end-processing using Operations Impact Estimator
Priority 7: Explore implementation of AirTable as project management tool