View Item Loan Status
- Search item from persistent search field (call number, title, barcode, etc.)
- Under results list, select “Items” (next to “Holdings,” where applicable).
- “Process Type” field in list indicates if item is on loan.
- If item is on loan, click “Loan” link to see loan details, including due date
View Item
This is on our list in this order but what does it refer to?
View Item History
Search item from persistent search field by barcode
Click barcode link to go to “Physical Item Editor”.
Select “History” tab
Notice that there are three areas that display
Items (this is the default view)
Displays “new value” and “old value” of items
Fulfillment activities
Displays loans and returns – desk name, operator, borrower name, borrower ID
Mark an Item as Missing
Note: This workflow will be used when a patron walks up to a desk to indicate an item is not available. There is a different workflow for other workflows, like Harvard Direct processing.
- Search for item by title, call number, barcode, etc.
- From results, under “Physical” (if any), select link for “Items”. This takes you to list of items by barcode.
- For the item to be marked missing, select actions button (“…”) and “Toggle Missing Status”.
- In the list of items, under “Process Type” column, item is now “Missing”.
- To change back, select “Toggle Missing Status” from actions button for that item again.
Make Temporary Item Changes
This refers to making changes within a library, so on site with the piece in hand.
- Select a library to which the item is temporarily moved as Current Location as needed
- From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Resource Requests > Scan In Items
- Click to open Change Item Information tab
- Select Change Type from the dropdown (“Temporary” is the default)
- Select a Due Back date on which an automatic restore request will be generated.
- Select a location (collection) to which the item is moved
- Select an Item Policy from the dropdown
- Change call number type and enter call number as needed
- Select a reading list to which the item should be added
- Enter a new barcode as needed
- Scan the item barcode
- Update your current location as needed
To move a book to another library, you must select the collection! You also have to choose the collection it’s going to. You have to use the scan in items. If these steps weren’t done, returning won’t work, you will need to do scan in items and select locations.
Resource Sharing
Borrow Direct
Not yet configured
Interlibrary Loan
Not yet configured
Work Orders
Preservation Review
With item in hand that needs conservation care, scan barcode in physical item search to retrieve item record
Click on ellipses (More Actions button?) and select Work Order
Process type - Preservation workflow
Managing department - Collections Care (Widener)* there will be a separate managing department for each unit that does not fall under Widener collections care (not yet configured)
Ordered-Received (625 fulfillment workflow)
FUWG documentation: Need to work with ASWG
Review of Title-Level Requests
Needs documentation
Requests from PRIMO to ALMA
Needs documentation
Create a Request for a Patron
- Search for item in the search bar.
- Select "Request". Depending on how you customized your results page this could be a button or in the "..." list of options.
- Note: all requests in Alma are title level/specific (in Aleph, previously all requests were item level/specific)
- Select the request type "Patron physical item request"
- Select "Requester". You can scan their ID into this field. If you don't have their ID you can search for them by name (if you have permissions to search for patrons by name).
- Add any special instructions or comments about the request in the "Notes" field
- Select the pick-up location
- Note: required fields needed to process the request have a red asterisk next to them.
- Complete the additional request attributes as needed. These are optional.
- Click submit to place the request.
- Note: You will see a box at the top of the page confirming the request was successfully submitted. You will also see the request ID. If you will need to refer to this request at a later date, I would suggest copying this down. If you don't you can find the request in other ways as well (such as by the book title, under "monitor requests & item processes" or by looking up the patron that made the request.)
Also see Ex Libris – Creating a Request
Delete or Cancel a Request
- Locate the request (see instructions for how to locate a request)
- Choose "Cancel" from the "..." drop down list or right click anywhere on the item record for the request that needs to be cancelled.
- Choose a reason for the cancellation from the dropdown menu.
- Add a note if more explanation is needed than the reason given from the dropdown menu.
- The "Notify User" option is checked. The user should generally always be notified so leave this box checked
Also see Ex Libris Cancel and Request