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Creating Activities

The Center uses Activities in Aeon to track the movement of materials for the following types of activities:

  • Conservation (off-site)
  • Digitization (off-site)
  • Classes (question)
  • Exhibits

To create an activity:

  1. Either select the Activity icon in the top-left of the main Aeon screen, or navigate to a similar activity and select Clone Activity from the top toolbar.

  2. Fill out the following fields:
    • Owning Library: Countway
    • Being date: Enter the date of the start of the activity
    • Description: Enter here any additional information you want to record, such as the name of a vendor doing digitization or conservation work.
    • Name: Activity name. Should beginning with the prefix "MED", followed by the activity type and subject, followed by the year. 
      • Example: MED CNA Digitization 2018
    • Type: Select the relevant activity type from the dropdown list.
    • Active: Check this.
    • Staff contact: Enter your name here as the staff activity lead.

  3. Move over to the Users tab:
    1. Search for your own Aeon account using one of the search fields at the top (username/name/id)
    2. Once you find yourself in the Search Results window on the right, click and drag your name from the right window over to the left window (under "Associated Users). 
    3. Next you'll get a pop up window asking if you'd like to edit the email notification before sending - select yes or no as desired.
    4. Hit Save (icon in top left, or Ctrl + S).

  4. Add items to your activity:
    1. Locate the items you want to add to your activity in Hollis. Go through the process of requesting them via the View in Library request link.
    2. Once on the Request Form:
      1. Under Request For: select your activity from the drop-down list. 
      2. If your activity doesn't show up in the list, it means you either didn't properly create/save your activity, or didn't properly associate yourself as a user. 
      3. Modify any other fields in the form as needed, set your Date of Request, and hit Submit Request.
    3. Repeat this process for all items associated with your activity.

  5. Now, your activity and associated items should show up both in Hollis Special Request (under Activities/Classes on the left) and in the Aeon staff side (browse activities alphabetically for "MED" or search for your activity name). 
    1. As your project progresses, you can route items through relevant steps. These may include (among other options):
      1. Awaiting HD Delivery/In Item Retrieval
      2. Item Checked Out To Activity
      3. In Conservation - WPC
      4. In Imaging Services for Activity
      5. In Vendor Digitization
      6. Item Awaiting Reshelving
      7. Request Finished
    2. To add additional notes to your activity, such as project updates, in the Details tab of the Activity window, double click in the white space under Notes and a new Add Note window will pop up where you can enter this information.

  6. For additional information, including instructions and templates for importing item requests via file, see Creating multiple Aeon requests from Excel via the Harvard LTS Wiki.


Merging User Records

Find the user records to be merged:  Open up the uncleared user record you wish to merge, and under the Process tab, click Merge User.

This will open up the “Users waiting to be cleared” window; from here, use the search box to search for the two users you wish to merge (could search using the surname, email address, etc.).



In the example below, we know that Elise Ciregna and M. Ciregna are the same person because they have the same email address.



Select which record to keep:  When user records are merged in Aeon, all transaction data is moved to the user record you plan to keep, and the duplicate user record is disavowed (not deleted). No actual user information is moved or merged, only the transaction data. 

Once you’ve found the two users you wish to merge, you may want to review each record to determine which record to keep and which to disavow (generally the record with contact information that is more complete or more up to date is the record you should keep).

If the record you wish to keep is not cleared:

Highlight the record you wish to keep in the left hand window (“Users to be cleared”), and highlight the record you wish to disavow in the right hand window (“Similar users.”). If you don’t readily see the duplicate user in the “Similar users” window, right-click in that window and select “Show all users”, then browse to the correct user record.

In the example below, we want to keep the “Elise Ciregna” record, and disavow the “M. Ciregna” record.

Merge:  Once you’ve correctly highlighted both names, click Merge User in the top ribbon.


In the next window, select the second option, “Disavow Existing User and Clear New User.


If the record you wish to keep is cleared:

Then will only appear in the "Similar Users" window on the right. Highlight the record you wish to keep in the right hand window, and highlight the record you wish to merge/disavow in the left window. Then click Merge User" at the top, and in the next window click "Keep Existing User and Disavow New User".

Short version:

If the record you want to keep is cleared, highlight it on the right, highlight the other on the left, and choose the "Keep Existing User and Disavow New User" button on the left.

If the record you want to keep is uncleared, highlight it on the left, highlight the other on the right, and choose the "Disavow Existing User and Clear New User" button on the right.


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