Advanced Student (G4+) Annual Progress Reports – due each year December 15
The one-page G4+ annual progress report should be submitted each year.
- Student's full name.
- Current G-year.
- Current address and phone number.
- Advisor's name.
- Dissertation committee members (and university affiliation if outside Harvard).
- Working dissertation title.
- Dissertation research/writing completed during current academic year.
- Number of proposed dissertation chapters.
- Dissertation chapters completed during current year.
- Total number of dissertation chapters completed.
- Funding received (if any); also include non-academic awards/honors.
- Teaching responsibilities (current academic year).
- Other employment (current academic year).
- Papers written/published (current academic year).
- Conference presentations (current academic year).
- Goals for next academic year.
- Expected completion date.
- Students are encouraged to submit a dissertation outline (if available) and current CV with the report.