New Paper Suggestions
New Paper Suggestions
Carron, Optimal constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the lensed CMB, arXiv:1808.10349
Simons Observatory Collaboration,The Simons Observatory: Science goals and forecasts, arXiv:1808.07445
Khatri, Data driven foreground clustering approach to component separation in multifrequency CMB experiments: A new Planck CMB map, arXiv:1808.05224
Hadzhiyska, Spergel, Measuring the Duration of Last Scattering, arXiv:1808.04083
Rotti, Hufenberger, Real-space computation of E/B-mode maps I: Formalism, Compact Kernels, and Polarized Filaments, arXiv:1807.11940
- Hill, Foreground Biases on Primordial Non-Gaussianity Measurements from the CMB Temperature Bispectrum: Implications for Planck and Beyond, arXiv:1807.07324
- Planck Collaboration, Planck 2018 results. VI. Cosmological parameters, arXiv:1807.06209
- Vanneste, Henrot-Versillé, Louis, Tristram, Quadratic estimator for CMB cross-correlation, arXiv:1807.02484
- Philcox, Sherwin, van Engelen, Detection and Removal of B-mode Dust Foregrounds with Signatures of Statistical Anisotropy, arXiv:1805.09177
- Chue, Dalal, White, Some assembly required: assembly bias in massive dark matter halos, arXiv:1804.04055
- Lucie-Smith et al, Machine learning cosmological structure formation, arXiv:1802.04271
- Watts, Wang, et al., A Projected Estimate of the Reionization Optical Depth Using the CLASS Experiment's Sample-Variance Limited E-Mode Measurement, arXiv:1801.01481
- Hurier, Angulo, Measuring the hydrostatic mass bias in galaxy clusters by combining Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and CMB lensing data, arXiv:1711.06029
- Kandel, Lazarian, Pogosyan, Statistical properties of galactic CMB foregrounds: dust and synchrotron, arXiv:1711.03161
- Emami, Broadhurst, Jimeno, Smoot, Angulo, Lim, Chu, Lazkoz, Evidence of Neutrino Enhanced Clustering in a Complete Sample of Sloan Survey Clusters, Implying ∑mν=0.11±0.03eV, arXiv:1711.05210
- Schmittfull, Seljak, Parameter constraints from cross-correlation of CMB lensing with galaxy clustering, arXiv:1710.09465
- Meyers, Meerburg, van Engelen, Battaglia, Beyond CMB cosmic variance limits on reionization with the polarized SZ effect, arXiv:1710.01708
- Kolopanis, Mauskopf, Bowman, Detectability of Galactic Faraday Rotation in Multi-wavelength CMB Observations: A Cross-Correlation Analysis of CMB and Radio Maps, arXiv:1710.02564
- Linde, On the problem of initial conditions for inflation, arXiv:1710.04278
- Shiraishi, Liguori, Fergusson, CMB bounds on tensor-scalar-scalar inflationary correlations, arXiv:1710.06778
- Nakama, Carr, Silk, Limits on primordial black holes from μ distortions in cosmic microwave background, arXiv:1710.06945
- Prince, Moodley, Ridl, Bucher, Real space lensing reconstruction using cosmic microwave background polarization, arXiv:1709.02227
- Alonso, Hill, Hložek, Spergel, Measurement of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect around cosmic voids, arXiv:1709.01489
- Planck Collaboration, Planck 2015 results. XV. Gravitational lensing, arXiv:1502.01591
- Planck Collaboration, Planck 2015 results. XI. CMB power spectra, likelihoods, and robustness of parameters, arXiv:1507.02704
- Planck Collaboration, Planck 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity, arXiv:1502.01592
- Planck Collaboration, Planck 2015 results. XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields, arXiv:1502.01594
- Mangilli et al, Large-scale CMB temperature and polarization cross-spectra likelihoods, arXiv:1503.01347
- Desjacques et al, Detecting the cosmological recombination signal from space, arXiv:1503.05589
- Wayth et al, GLEAM: The GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA survey, arXiv:1505.06041
- Gjerløw, Colombo, Eriksen, Górski, Gruppuso, Jewell, Plaszczynski, and Wehus, Optimized Large-Scale CMB Likelihood And Quadratic Maximum Likelihood Power Spectrum Estimation, arXiv:1506.04273
- Namikawa and Nagata, Non-Gaussian Structure of B-mode Polarization after Delensing, arXiv:1506.09209
- Hill, Battaglia, Chluba, Ferraro, Schaan, and Spergel, Taking the Universe's Temperature with PIXIE, arXiv:1507.01583
- Green et al, A Three-Dimensional Map of Milky-Way Dust, arXiv:1507.01005
- Liu, Pritchard, Allison, Parsons, Seljak, and Sherwin, Eliminating the optical depth nuisance from the CMB with 21 cm cosmology, arXiv:1509.08463
- Zablocki and Dodelson, Extreme data compression for the CMB, arXiv:1512.00072
- Chou et al, Search for Space-Time Correlations from the Planck Scale with the Fermilab Holometer, arXiv:1512.01216
- Aslanyan et al, Ultracompact minihalos as probes of inflationary cosmology, arXiv:1512.04597
- Abitbol, Hill, and Johnson, Foreground-Induced Biases in CMB Polarimeter Self-Calibration, arXiv:1512.06834
- Meerburg, Meyers, van Engelen, and Ali-Haïmoud, On CMB B-Mode Non-Gaussianity, arXiv:1603.02243
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