Camera Raw Images / Adobe DNG

Camera Raw Images / Adobe DNG


Harvard Library collections include digitized images preserved in the Library’s preservation and access repository - the Digital Repository Service (DRS). The Library is considering adding the Digital Negative (DNG) format and/or other camera RAW image formats to the list of image formats accepted by the DRS, to enable functions not supported by the other image formats. As a first step towards accepting these formats in the DRS, the Library hired Jack Holm of Tarkus Imagining to assist with the analysis. Specifically the project tasks were to:

  • prepare detailed descriptions of different versions of the TIFF format (because these formats are based on the TIFF format)
  • analyze the preservation suitability of these TIFF versions
  • describe and recommend encoding options intended to maximize the likelihood that Harvard will be able to render the archived images in the future as they desire

Mr. Holm was a primary contributor in the development of TIFF/EP and a pioneer in digital camera raw formats and processing. He also contributed to the development of JPEG 2000 (ISO/IEC 15444-x), the ICC profile format specification (ISO 15076-1), and the Image State Architecture standard (ISO 22028-1). His past consulting clients in the field of digital archiving include Corbis and NASA.

Format Analysis

The original deliverable combined everything into a single document. They are available here as separate documents for convenience.

TIFF categoriesThis document categorizes the TIFF image file format (excluding TIFF/IT,  BigTIFF and GeoTIFF)
for the purpose of grouping different functional capabilities and the associated reader support.
Jack Holm
TIFF format descriptionsThis document contains brief profiles of each of the TIFF formats as categorized in the document above.. 
Along with descriptive information about the format, it includes a summary of risks and potential strategies for mitigating the risks. 
Jack Holm
Recommended encoding optionsThis document describes recommended uses of each of the TIFF formats, including a specific focus on Adobe DNG.Jack Holm
TIFF Preservation Suitability Matrix

This document is intended to replace the two “Common TIFF” rows in the
FADGI Raster Still Images for Digitization A Comparison of File Formats Part 2. Detailed Matrix with the five TIFF formats.

Jack Holm

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