Galaxy NGS workshops

Galaxy NGS workshops

The Galaxy Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) workshops are run by the Bioinformatics Core at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health and are sponsored by following institutes/programs: the Tools and Technology Program of Harvard Medical School and the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center, Harvard Catalyst, and Harvard Stem Cell Institute.

The Galaxy NGS workshops are being run as hands-on sessions with a focus on NGS data. We make use of the Galaxy framework to ensure little prior computational experience is required and to help establish a few key concepts that are important to any computational research:

  • organizing your in silico work just as well as any other lab work, 
  • reproducibility of your results, and 
  • documenting your work and making it available to the scientific community. 

Our Galaxy NGS workshops introduce basic concepts and illustrate end-to-end data analysis workflows using NGS data through live tutorials using the Galaxy analytical framework. At the end of this activity, participants will be able to set up their own Galaxy servers using Amazon’s EC2 environment to analyze their data, without using the command line.

All materials for our Galaxy NGS workshops are freely available.

Please check our training home page for upcoming workshops.

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