Reparative description workflow

  1. Update Description Fixes tracking sheet to yellow once you start working.
    1. If change are widespread or require rewriting: Create a revision document. Insert the link to your document in the tracking sheet. Ask a Collections Services team member for peer review.
    2. If changes needed are small in scope or not very complex, you can make your changes directly in ArchivesSpace later on. 
  2. Download PDF of original finding aid and save to the N drive folder for that collection under the name [Creator’s last name]_OriginalFA. (Example: Wright_OriginalFA).  
  3. Using Adobe Acrobat, insert a red-bordered text box at the top of the original finding aid with the text: “This is an outdated finding aid; it has been maintained in order to provide transparency around significant descriptive changes over time. The current finding aid is available at: [permalink].”  
  4. Save this second copy of the original finding aid to the N drive with the filename [Creator’s last name]_OriginalFA_with_statement. (Example: Wright_OriginalFA_with_statement).  
  5. In Omeka (, create a new item and fill in the following metadata:
  6. Title: Finding aid title, as represented in the EAD title field. (Example: Wright, Louis T. (Louis Tompkins), 1891-1952. Papers, 1879, 1898, 1909-1997: Finding Aid).  
  7. Description: Use the following text, updated as appropriate.
    1. "The finding aid for the [name of creator] papers underwent a significant revision in YYYY to bring the archival description into alignment with the Center's Guidelines for Inclusive and Conscientious Description. This is a copy of the now-deprecated original finding aid which is being maintained for transparency around the descriptive process. The current finding aid can be accessed at: [permalink]. " 
  8. Attach PDF document with statement. 
  9. On the right of the screen, select “Finding Aids and Collection Inventories” from the Collection dropdown menu.  
  10. Tick “Public” and then “Add Item”
  11. Implement reparative description edits in ArchivesSpace.  
  12. Add the following processing note, updated as appropriate:  
    1. "[Name] revised the [specify field(s)] in this finding aid in [Month YYYY] to bring [it/them] into compliance with the Center for the History of Medicine’s Guidelines for Inclusive and Conscientious Description (2020). In particular, [name] [briefly specify primary scope of reparative work]. The previous version of the finding aid is being maintained for transparency around the descriptive process."
    2. The words “previous version of the finding aid” should be hyperlinked to the corresponding Omeka page.
  13. Update the Description Fixes tracking sheet to green.  



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