Show shadows, how light goes through the building.
Site relationship to the context, what is happening in the background, which other buildings are present, how it relates to the street.
Existing 3D model of building
Make sure all surfaces are continuous and all pieces are aligned, this is done by making sure all curves are continuous before they become extruded
Make sure you don’t have any open faces in the model, only solids
Window planes should be individual elements between moleons, avoid continuous plans through other objects. Same for columns, have sets of columns for each floor, instead of continuous ones through the building
Camera settings - 1-point perspective, 35-50mm
Set up 3-4 new layers
Other (structure, particular objects of interests…)
Limitations & Disclaimer
The time estimates represented in this workflow is estimated based on a specific model / input. Actual time required may vary depending on specific use scenarios.