PNX display element | Description | MARC elements | VIA elements (under [work|group] only) | FGDC | PCI | Note | |
type | Resource type | (see resource types page) | "image" | "map" | |||
title | title | 245 | @sortTitle | idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title | |||
creator | author / creator | 100, 110, 111 | creator/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/origin | |||
contributor | author / creator | 700, 705, 710, 711, 715, 720, 400, 410, 411, 800, 810, 811 | |||||
edition | edition | 250 | state | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/edition | |||
publisher | publisher | 260, 261, 262, 264/_1, 362/0 | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/publish /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubdate | ||||
creationdate | creation date | structuredDate/beginDate structuredDate/endDate relatedWork/structuredDate/beginDate relatedWork/structuredDate/endDate | idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubdate | ||||
format | description | 300, 301, 305, 308, 310, 315, 321, 340, 351 254, 255, 507 | description physicalDescription materials dimensions | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform | |||
ispartof | is part of | article source | |||||
identifier | identifier | 020, 022, 028, 086 | classification/[type|number] itemIdentifier/[type|number] | ||||
subject | subject | 2nd ind. 0 only: 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651 Any ind.: 648 | /topic/term | /idinfo/keywords/theme/themekey | |||
description | summary | 520 | /idinfo/descript/abstract /idinfo/descript/purpose /idinfo/descript/supplinf | ||||
language | language | 008, 041 | |||||
relation | linking notes | 580 | |||||
source | data source | "HVD ALEPH" | "HVD VIA" | "HVD FGDC" | |||
availlibrary | location, call number | 852 | |||||
vertitle | vernacular title | 245 | |||||
unititle | (not used) | ||||||
rights | rights | 542 | copyright | ||||
citation | cite as | 524 | |||||
coverage | /idinfo/timeperd/current /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/sngdate/caldate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/mdattim/sngdate/caldate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/rngdates/begdate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/rngdates/enddate | ||||||
local fields lds01 through lds10 available for RIS mapping | |||||||
lds01 | record ID | Aleph bib # (001) | recoridid | @layerid | |||
lds02 | OCLC number | 035 | |||||
lds03 | (testing holding info) | ||||||
lds04 | Alternate title | 246, 247 | |||||
lds05 | publisher RIS export | 260, 264 | |||||
lds06 | contents | 505 | |||||
lds07 | publication info | 264/_ , 257 | production/[placeOfProduction/place|producer|role] | ||||
lds08 | (not used) | ||||||
lds09 | finding aids | 555 | |||||
lds10 | keyword | 653, 656, 657 2nd ind. = 9 only: 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695 | /idinfo/keywords/temporal/tempkey | ||||
lds11 | (not used) | ||||||
lds12 | also issued | 776/0 | |||||
lds13 | notes | notes | |||||
lds14 | statement of responsibility | 245 $c | |||||
lds15 | permalink | permalink | permalink | permalink | |||
lds16 | history note | 545 | |||||
lds17 | series | 490 | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/serinfo/sername /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/serinfo/issue | ||||
lds18 | attributes (FGDC) | /eainfo/detailed/attr/attrdef | |||||
lds19 | series display for result list | 440, 830 | |||||
lds20 | Number of images (used by js) | @numberOfImages - used by js to generate VIA gallery | |||||
lds21 | images/components | images/components | |||||
lds22 | style | style/term | |||||
lds23 | culture | culture/term | |||||
lds24 | related work | relatedWork/[relationship|textElement|creator...|production...|freeDate|link] | /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/origin /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubdate /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/title /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/geoform /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubinfo/publish /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/othercit /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/onlink | ||||
lds25 | related info | relatedInformation[@href] | |||||
lds26 | repository | repository/[repositoryName|note|number] | |||||
lds27 | restrictions | useRestrictions | /idinfo/accconst /idinfo/useconst | ||||
lds28 | Number of images (formatted for display) | >1 images | |||||
lds29 | |||||||
lds30 - lds39 reserved for linking (matches to lsr30-lsr39) | |||||||
lds30 | form/genre | 655 | workType | "Geospatial data" | |||
lds31 | place | 751, 752 | location/place | /idinfo/keywords/place/placekey | |||
lds32 | MeSH | 2nd ind. =2 only: | |||||
lds33 | other title | 730, 740, 830, 840, 440 | |||||
lds34 | uniform title | 130, 240, 241, 243 | |||||
lds35 | linking notes | 2nd Ind = 0 for all: 760, 762, 765, 767 770, 772, 774, 775, 775, 777 780, 785 | |||||
lds36 | in (host item) | 773/0 | |||||
lds37 | associated name | associatedName/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] | |||||
lds38 | |||||||
lds39 | |||||||
lds40 | GIS coordinates | not displayed | idinfo/spdom/bounding/northbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/eastbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/southbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/westbc | ||||
lds41 | Scanned Key Content | not displayed | |||||
lds42 | HGL layers list | Layer list from FGDC composite | |||||
lds43 | FGDC link to Aleph | @hollisno | |||||
lds44 | |||||||
lds45 | |||||||
lds46 | |||||||
lds47 | |||||||
lds48 | |||||||
lds49 |