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  • List of three letter owning repository codes for Harvard libraries and archives:

    Repository Name (encoded per Aleph)Aleph/Aeon LOCATION CodeAeon SITE
    Andover-Harv. TheolDIVPRES
    Baker BusinessBAKPRES
    Biblioteca BerensonBERPRES
    Botany Ames OrchidORCBotany ArboretumAJPPRES
    Botany ArboretumGray/ArnoldAJPARGPRES
    Botany Arnold (Cambr.)ARNPRESBotany Econ. Botany
    ECBHarvard Art MuseumsARTPRES
    Baker BusinessBAKPRESBotany Farlow Library
    FARBiblioteca BerensonBERPRES
    Botany Gray HerbariumGRACabot ScienceCABPRESBotany Gray/Arnold
    ARGEast Asian Res CtrCEAPRESCabot
    ScienceRobinson CelticCABCELPRES
    Charles Warren Ctr LibWARDumbarton OaksDDOPRESCountway
    MedicineLoeb DesignMEDDESPRESCtr Hellen Studies
    HELAndover-Harv. TheolDIVPRES
    Documents (Lamont)DOCPRESDumbarton Oaks
    DDOBotany Econ. BotanyECBPRES
    East Asian Res CtrCEAPRES
    Environmental Information CtrENVPRES
    Fine ArtsFALFAL
    Botany Farlow LibraryFARPRES
    Harvard ForestFORPRES
    Fung LibraryFUNPRES
    Kummel Geological SciGEOPRES
    Botany Gray HerbariumGRAPRES
    Gutman EducationGUTPRESHarvard Art Museums
    ARTCtr Hellen StudiesHELPRES
    Harvard Film ArchiveHFAPRES
    Harvard ForestHoughtonFORHOUPRESHarvard Kennedy SchoolKSGHOU
    Sci InstrumentsHSIPRES
    Harvard University ArchivesHUAPRES
    Harvard Kennedy SchoolHOUHOUKummel Geological SciGEOKSGPRES
    Law SchoolLAWPRES
    LinguisticsLINPRESLoeb DesignDESPRES
    Loeb MusicMUSMUS
    Map Coll (Pusey)MAPMAP
    Master MicroformsMMFMcKay Applied SciMCKPRESMcKay Applied Sci
    MCKMuseum Comp ZoologyMCZPRES
    Medieval Studies LibPALCountway MedicineMEDPRES
    Microforms (Lamont)MICPRES
    Master MicroformsMMFPRES
    Murray Research CtrMURPRESMuseum Comp ZoologyMCZ
    PRESLoeb MusicMUSMUS
    Near Eastern LibNELPRES
    Botany Ames OrchidORCPRES
    Medieval Studies LibPALPRES
    Peabody MuseumPEAPRES
    Robbins PhilosophyPHIPRESRobinson Celtic
    CELRussian Res CtrRRCPRES
    Rubel (Fine Arts)RUBRUB
    Russian Res CtrRRCSanskrit LibrarySANPRESSanskrit
    LibraryStraus ConservationSANSCCPRES
    Sci & Intl AffairsSIAPRES
    Sci InstrumentsHSIPRES
    Smyth ClassicalSMYPRES
    Social Rel-SociolSOCPRES
    StatisticsSTAPRESStraus ConservationSCCPRES
    Theatre CollectionTHETHE
    Ukrainian Res InstURIPRES
    Warren AnatomicalWAMPRES
    Charles Warren Ctr LibWARPRES
    Weissman Preservation CtrWEIPRES
    Wolbach LibraryWOLPRES
  • Other Harvard institutions:

    Institution NameAeon LOCATION CodeAeon SITE
    Property Information Resource CenterPIRCPRES
