August 13, 2020
June and July 2020 Meetings Cancelled
May 13, 2020
- Laura agreed to take notes
- Review action items from 4/8/20
- Allison will give Michelle some sample OCLC data sync reports
- Michelle will ask Michael to review the sample reports and experiment with creating subsets to bring to Widener collections experts
- Michelle and Scott to talk to Collections crew in Widener about helping with OCLC data sync clean up tasks
- Amy will ask Laura Wood how MCZ and Botany should be represented in the OCLC registry now that they are sharing the MCZ symbol and confirm that we should use the Widener information for the HUL symbol
- Scott will liaise with the OCLC Coordinators Group to ask them to review the Harvard entries in the WorldCat Registry to determine the questions that need to be asked across the system in order to support a consistent view into Harvard libraries
- Suzanne will work on scheduling a meeting for all the working group members as soon as we have a better sense of when we will all be on campus again.
- Michelle described a collaboration interest between ITS and Preservation involving ACORN and HOLLIS. A conversation has been started with Michelle and Brenda re: expert information in ACORN that may be of interest to researchers (for example, historical binding information). Exploratory conversation at this point. ITS Staff are looking at the data and structure in ACORN to think about feasibility. Conservation images in DRS may be of interest to researchers as well.
- OCLC Shared Print API. Michelle attended a webinar and felt there were synergies with the different collaborative collection development initiatives. She wondered if the API could support some of the BDSI or ReCAP projects.
- Item API for processing serials. This would require code review and possible code revision before implementation. The success rate of the item API is 65%, so there would be a need to determine how errors are captured and processed. Scott will add to the requested projects wiki.
- Talked about ergonomic and other improvements to Alma and how to discuss this with the broader community.