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Table of Contents


POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library8Latest item is for 2011 issue
Biblioteca Berenson74
These are claimed items and I would prefer not to lose the claim information in the internal notes by withdrawing. Long-claimed volumes do turn up many years late. I would change the status to Acquisition - Technical Services. POD 10.13.2020
Botany Ames Orchid3

Botany Arnold (Cambridge)23

Botany Farlow Library7Latest item is for 2012 issue
Botany Gray Herbarium20

Center for Hellenic Studies1Item is for 2008 issue
Dumbarton Oaks15

Harvard Law School Acquisitions53

Harvard Yenching2Items created in 2005 and 2007
ITS 625 Acquisitions1759477 of the POLs are canceled/closed

41 are one time orders: all of them closed or cancelled; all but 2 are one time orders for missing serial volumes: decision to withdraw pending review by Serials --dab (LH agrees w/decision to withdraw)

  • 2 have real barcodes,
    • one of which has Fulfillment note stating "patron claimed returned", order was paid but not received (patron request); book was probably lost, I withdrew item, deleted bib and hldg
    • barcode 32044120724422 has a completely cataloged hldg; how do we get it out of Technical? Do we scan it in as Done? wdw - item is now In Place.

  • Items associated with Continuous Order types, owned by ITS @ 625 & Music, without receiving dates will be withdrawn, after Laura has reviewed the list, with a focus on items located in Archives or Countway
    • LH withdrew the small number of Harvard University Archives items on 10/20/20
  • Daryl & Naun recommend withdrawing the 39 remaining items associated with closed/canceled one-time orders, performing necessary cleanup on associated bibs & holdings, as needed.
ITS at Langdell1064180 of the POLs are canceled/closed
Littauer23All orders are canceled/closed
Loeb Music Library130

all serials

recommendation is to withdraw-LH

Widener Library1Item is for 2001 issuewithdrawn-LH
Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)34

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)6All orders are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)2VS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)27



POL OwnerNumber of ItemsActive POLsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson30

Botany Gray Herbarium10

Dumbarton Oaks132

Harvard Yenching Library40

ITS 625 Acquisitions111

10 were cancelled or closed POLs

  • withdrew all the items except 8427461 and 9193051 which have receipt dates: not yet cataloged: change to CAtaloging work order?
  • dab ask AD: MMS ID 990129825210203941 only has a Net Colin Colin hldg, delete bib?
    • This can be withdrawn, it's a duplicate of a record from the CZ

1 was active, with barcode 32044052488699: on a suppressed Design hldg, someone's office copy: how should we code this item or should we withdraw it?

Group recommends TSWG develop a policy regarding office copies

ITS at Langdell20


Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)30

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)190

