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Table of Contents


Owning LibraryNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson4
we have withdrawn these POD 13.10.2020
Botany Arnold (Cambridge)2

Countway Medicine7
recommendation is to withdraw all that lack a receiving date & physical barcode
Fine Arts Library11
recommendation is to withdraw all that lack a receiving date & physical barcode
Frances Loeb Library2
recommendation is to withdraw all that lack a receiving date & physical barcode
Fung Library9

Harvard Law School Library24

Harvard Yenching Library1Item created in 2001
Littauer1Item created in 2004
Tozzer9Latest item created in 2015recommendation is to withdraw all that lack a receiving date & physical barcode
Widener Library6


Loker Reference Collection 1
Offsite storage (HD) 2

recommendation is to withdraw all that lack a receiving date & physical barcode

Process Status NA (Not Arrived)


POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library2951 associated with closed POL
Biblioteca Berenson33960 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Arnold (Cambridge)1613 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Economic2POLs are closed
Botany Farlow Library42 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Gray Herbarium83 associated with closed POLs
Center for Hellenic Studies37955 associated with closed POLs
Center for Science and International Affairs628


Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Dumbarton Oaks10342 associated with closed/canceled POLs
East Asian Resource Center1

Fung Library1POL is canceled
Fung Library Acquisitions (Davis)8026 associated with closed POLS
Fung Library Acquisitions (DCJ)125

Fung Library Acquisitions (Fairbank)123

Harvard Law School Library Acquisitions43362 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Harvard Yenching Library1771318 associated with closed/canceled POLsElke has looked at these initially and at least confirmed that they cannot be withdrawn yet at this time. She thinks she'll need another 2 weeks to ascertain which could be.
ITS 625 Acquisitions21634 associated with closed/canceled POLs

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

ITS at Langdell116 associated with closed/canceled POLs
John G. Wolbach Library135

Kummel Geological Sci15

Lamont Library169 associated with closed/canceled POLs

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.


Loeb Music Library330180 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Social Relations-Sociology Library4

Widener Library5

Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)533317 associated with closed/canceled POLs

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)2Both POLs closed/canceled

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)9VS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)151



Owning LibraryNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Andover-Harvard Theological Library3
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library37

Biblioteca Berenson30

Cabot Science55
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Center for Hellenic Studies13

Center for Science and International Affairs6

Countway Medicine1

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Documents (Lamont)5

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Dumbarton Oaks15

Ernst Mayr Library16

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Fine Arts Library34
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & phys ical barcode.
Frances Loeb Library11
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Fung Library374

Gutman Education8
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Harvard Law School Library72

Harvard Yenching Library54

History of Science1

John G. Wolbach Library45

Lamont Library1Item created in 2002Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Littauer25Most recent items are from 2007
Loeb Music Library7All items created in 2008Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.
Widener Library36


GEN 11

Recommendation is to withdraw all of these that lack a receiving date & physical barcode.

Process Status OI (Order Initiated)


POL OwnerNumber of ItemsActive POLsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson30

Botany Gray Herbarium10

Dumbarton Oaks132

Harvard Yenching Library40

ITS 625 Acquisitions111

10 were cancelled or closed POLs

  • withdrew all the items except 8427461 and 9193051 which have receipt dates: not yet cataloged: change to CAtaloging work order?
  • dab ask AD: MMS ID 990129825210203941 only has a Net Colin Colin hldg, delete bib?
    • This can be withdrawn, it's a duplicate of a record from the CZ

1 was active, with barcode 32044052488699: on a suppressed Design hldg, someone's office copy: how should we code this item or should we withdraw it?

Group recommends TSWG develop a policy regarding office copies

ITS at Langdell20


Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)30

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)190



POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson5All are standing order non monograph
Botany Arnold (Cambridge)1POL is closed
Botany Economic1POL is closed
Botany Farlow Library2POLs are closed
Botany Gray Herbarium1POL is closed
Center for Hellenic Studies7POLs are closed
Dumbarton Oaks41Only 2 POLs are active
Fung Library Acquisitions (Davis)34POLs are closed
Fung Library Acquisitions (DCJ)4POLs are closed
Fung Library Acquisitions (Fairbanks)1POL is closed
Harvard Law School Library Acquisitions25Only 4 POLs are active
Harvard Yenching Library258Only 27 POLs are active
Houghton Library1POL is closed
ITS 625 Acquisitions2246174 POLs are active

2029 are one time orders, many for serials: add 022 or bib level to report to help with the triage? wdw - Report with bib level added

  • 22 have real barcodes, all on closed orders (many of the barcodes and call numbers in holdings from shelf ready dataloads)
    • mms id: 990148131050203941: defective copy returned; another edition held
      • withdrew item, canceled pol, deleted bib and holding
    • mms id: 990143295450203941: paid but never received?
      • should probably withdraw item and delete bib/hldg
    • mms id: 990142203950203941: Widener copy paid but never received? Lam has a copy
      • withdrew item and deleted wid holding
    • mms id: 990139827130203941; WID paid but never received? LAM has a copy
      • withdrew item and deleted Wid hldg
    • BC 32044131410482: completely cataloged; Morse media DVD: just take it out of Technical? wdw - item is now In Place
    • Have not yet reviewed the others
    • withdrew print journal subscription items (small set)-LH
    • Group recommends withdrawing those without receiving dates & physical barcode, as follows:
      • For closed/canceled orders, withdraw, updating holdings & bibs as needed
      • For active orders:
        • Continuous types: Withdraw the item, leaving the order active and the holdings as is
        • One time types: close order, then update the holding & withdraw the item
      • It should be noted that it is likely that some of these are Widener Area Studies that did not migrate in properly.
ITS at Langdell176Only 14 POLs are active
John G. Wolbach Library5POLs are closed
Lamont Library1
Littauer7POLs are closed
Loeb Music Library141Only 1 POL is active
Poetry Room (Lamont)4POLs are closednot serials
Widener Library49POLs are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)296Only 1 POL active
Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)83POLs are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)63VS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)54245 POLs are active
