- Both Video Tours and Guided Tours are now turned on in the Sandbox.
- They may be accessed by clicking on the ? icon in the header of a Reading List.
- The LER Subgroup will review each video and each guide before the next synchronous meeting.
- J will create testing parameters and post these to the wiki.
- Help Pages are accessed via the "Help" link in the below menu.
- While these help pages are customizable, the LER Subgroup decided to keep them as they are for now.
- Useful Links are accessed via the Link icon in the header.
- Useful Links are defined by Library Staff.
- The LER Subgroup discussed options for what we might want to include as a Useful Link:
Harvard Library Course Reserves Service Page?
Liaison contact information?
Links to individual Schools' course reserves information resources?
- We determined it would be best to start with just the Library Course Reserves Service Page.
- This led to a discussion about what ought to be included on the Service Page if the majority of our "how-to" content moves to Ex-Libris-provided links.