Alma Enhancements to Consider Chart
Quick Review (see shared Word Doc)
Meeting Notes
J, Ronnie, Caitlin, Kara, Ryan
Kyle Courtney's notice to include in Canvas about copyright:
- Can this be shortened into a preview phrase because this is very long and will take up a lot of screen space?
- You can close out the message but it is large. None of the reserve list was visible while the message was up.
- Will this impact accessibility/usability for screen readers?
This course website contains copyrighted materials. Those materials may include text, images, graphics, audio and video clips, and other content (collectively, the “Content”). In some cases, the copyright is owned by third parties, and Harvard is making the third‐ party Content available to you by various means, including public domain materials, permissions, licensing, or fair use.
The Content is made available only for your personal, noncommercial, educational and scholarly use. You may not use the Content for any other purpose, or distribute or make the Content available to others, unless you obtain any required permission from the copyright holder. Some Content may be provided via streaming or other means that restrict copying; you may not circumvent those restrictions. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other proprietary notices included in the Content.
Reviewed enhancements from (see shared Word Doc) and no one had anything to discuss.
Discussed guided tour videos but not everyone had watched them.
For next time: check out (see shared Word Doc) and comment on the new enhancements.
- What statuses do you use while processing?
- Section and section templates
August 11, 2022
- Pre-meeting work:
- Follow the instructions listed in the test parameters.
- During the meeting, we will discuss our findings and decide on next steps.
- Can we keep track on the main enhancements page? Alma Enhancements to Consider (KY)