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Sets on the HART roadmap for FY 2023

Google Library Inventory 

Self-service reporting on Google Library Inventory database (GLIB). GLIB stores data from Google scanning projects that date from 2004 to present. GLIB tables contain

    • Item and bibliographic metadata for inventory of volumes sent to Google for scanning
    • URNs that link to full text for scanned materials
    • Transaction records that track items through the Google scanning workflow including when an item was scanned or not scanned
    • Detailed information about the quality of the scan 
    • Information regarding physical condition of the item that affects the scan, including preventing scanning

Status: GLIB implementation is part of a larger project to project outlined in the Charter for Google and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance. Reporting implementation is currently focused on data remediation in Alma for items no longer linked to their Aleph bib id, and on development of a workflow for GLIB items that will encode scanned barcode in Alma holdings and thereby enable permanent links from the GLIB item inventory to Alma.

 Project charter for HART:  GLIB - Google Library Inventory project

GLIB database table definitions (DRAFT versions): Google Library Inventory - Bibs, Google Library Inventory - Google scanning report, Google Library Inventory - Items, Google Library Inventory - Item Condition

Alma Portfolios

Publish from Alma and ingest in Library Reporting Data Warehouse records for electronic resources such as ebooks and ejournals. Implement HART data model and work with staff who manage eresources to gather requirements and define information needs that will be met by the data set.


Status: Data privacy considerations involving person identifying information are currently under discussion. 

Other supporting documents:

Data Sets under consideration for HART

  • ReCAP Partner bibliographic metadata

Periodically load full bibliographic data from ReCAP partner libraries to support collection analysis.

  • DRS Billing

Extract and load data from DRS to enable billing by library, object and storage tier. Create invoices and deliver to library billing contacts on a schedule. 

  • Harvard Digital Objects Usage

Extract and load data to enable analyses that measure use of digital objects.