Brief outline of Gate-Swipe requirements

Brief outline of Gate-Swipe requirements

Email from Rachel Llewelen on data requirements for Gate-Swipe data

Gate Count Data

Add gate count data to Library Reporting Warehouse (LRW). Siemens automatically generates a monthly Excel turnstile report.


  • Field definitions
  • Look-up tables and roll-ups
  • A single user type field (faculty, staff, undergraduate, graduate student, other) that can take advantage of the demographic information.
    • UG: first year, sophomore, junior, senior.
    • Graduate: master, doctoral (includes JD and MD)
  • A single affiliation field. For example, we’d like to have a school affiliation that goes across students and employees.
  • Student level clarified – expected graduation date and year level (fr, so, jr, sr and 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.)
  • For now, do not include: Employee1RoleTitle or Employee2RoleTitle


  • Is the Hash HUID persistent and unique across all HCL locations?
  • Is the Hash HUID persistent and unique in other Harvard University locations?
  • What is the security level of this dataset?
  • How are primary and secondary roles/affiliation determined?
  • What is the source of the demographic data?
  • Is the data accurate at the time of swipe or as of the end of the month?
  • Are additional fields available?

Future development:

  • Add ethnicity and gender data
  • Add other HL location gate count data

Rachel Lewellen, she/her/hers

Head of Assessment and Program Management, Harvard Library

Harvard University