This is the original item manifest data extracted from Aleph, and then Alma, and provided to Google when the item was sent for scanning.
Field name | Description | Data type |
Manifest Aleph Record Number | Aleph bibliographic record identifier. Present for items sent prior to 2018. | Text |
Manifest Barcode | Barcode on the item sent to Google | Text |
Manifest Chron I | Highest level of chronology, usually year | Text |
Manifest Chron J | Next level of chronology | Text |
Manifest Date Added | Date the item data was loaded to Google Library Inventory database | Date |
Manifest Description | Enumeration and chronology for display | Text |
Manifest Enum A | Highest level of enumeration, usually volume | Text |
Manifest Enum B | Next highest level of enumeration | Text |
Manifest Holdings Id | Holding unique identifier in Alma | Text |
Manifest Item PID | Item unique identifier in Alma | Text |
Manifest Library Code | Library code of physical item | Text |
Manifest Location Code | Location code of physical item | Text |
Manifest MMSID | Bib unique identifier in Alma | Text |