Field name | Description | Data type |
Google URN | Link to | Text |
MMSID | Alma MMSID | Text |
Holding ID | Alma Holding ID for physical item. Data type needs adjusting as last 4 digits are 4000, instead of 3941. Probably not needed from Google items. Null in 14,635 records. | Text |
Item PID | Alma Item PID for physical item. Data Type needs adjusting. Null in 14,635 records. Barcodes for rows with null Item ID in Alma Analytics: 282 are Active, 7,020 are Deleted and 7,333 are not found. | Text |
Scanned Barcode | Barcode scanned by Google | Text |
Current Barcode | Current barcode in cases where the barcode in scanned barcode has changed. | Text |
Library Code | Library code of physical item | Text |
Location | Location code of physical item | Text |
Description | Enumeration and chronology for display | Text |
Copy | Copy designation | Text |
Call Number Type | Text | |
Call Number | Text | |
Enumeration A | Text | |
Enumeration B | Text | |
Enumeration C | Text | |
Enumeration D | Text | |
Enumeration E | Text | |
Enumeration F | Text | |
Enumeration G | Text | |
Enumeration H | Text | |
Chronological I | Text | |
Chronological J | Text | |
Chronological K | Text | |
Chronological L | Text |