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Table of Contents


POL OwnerNumber of ItemsActive POLsNotesTSWG CommentsStatus
Biblioteca Berenson30

Botany Gray Herbarium10

Dumbarton Oaks132

Harvard Yenching Library40

ITS 625 Acquisitions111

10 were cancelled or closed POLs

  • withdrew all the items except 8427461 and 9193051 which have receipt dates: not yet cataloged: change to CAtaloging work order?
  • dab ask AD: MMS ID 990129825210203941 only has a Net Colin Colin hldg, delete bib?
    • This can be withdrawn, it's a duplicate of a record from the CZ

1 was active, with barcode 32044052488699: on a suppressed Design hldg, someone's office copy: how should we code this item or should we withdraw it?

Group recommends TSWG develop a policy regarding office copies

ITS at Langdell20


DONE - Withdrawn by CB
Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)30

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)190



Owning LibraryNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG CommentsStatus
Andover-Harvard Theological Library1

Done. 88. w/d by CB 20210610
Cabot Science4

Done. CB w/d the 2 that were 88. the other 2 seem to be handled already. 20210610
Center for Hellenic Studies1

Fine Arts Library13

Gutman Education1

Harvard Kennedy School31

Harvard Law School Library2

Harvard Map Collection1

Harvard Yenching Library30

Houghton Library1

John G. Wolbach Library1

Lamont Library294Mainly media

Loeb Music Library5

Physics Reading Room2

Done. 88 item, no b/c: w/d by CB 20210610. 
Poetry Room (Lamont)1
Book with holdings unsure if on shelf-LH



GEN 440
Middle Eastern Division 594
Offsite Storage (HD) 21
Slavic Division 52
Unassigned 2
WID-LC Mid East 1

Assign these by location to the relevant unit, pulling in Language data for those located in GEN, to allow proper distribution

Withdraw barcode #5751775

