After paging:
- Check that the call number is correct
- Confirm that the item matches description
- Verify that the patron only wants reference scans
Starting the invoice:
- Read the Photoduplication Instructions field
- Review for condition and size
- Group multiple requests by the same person
- For large orders, wait until all invoices are issued to move into HOUPRES
- Determine if the item is already digitized
- Folder: below folder label
- Volume: accession label or below penciled call number
- Count the number of images to be copied
- If below 15 images: scan locally
- If 15 images or more: send to Imaging*
- Does the patron want the whole object?
- Yes: OTC: Lab, Deposit, Link
- No: OTC: Lab, No Deposit, PDF
After invoice:
- Shelve in hold area
After in house scanning:
- Move to Reshelve Item queue in Aeon
- Stamp returned
- Put on return shelf
*This can be flexible for orders that are not being deposited.