All data sources are converted from their original metadata schema into "Primo Normalized XML" or PNX records during ingest into HOLLIS+. This page summarizes which data elements are used from each Harvard data source and how they are handled for the purposes of display, indexing, and faceting.
Display elements
PNX display element | Description | MARC elements | VIA elements (under [work|group] only) | FGDC | PCI | Note |
type | Resource type | (see resource types page) | "image" | "map" | ||
title | title | 245 | @sortTitle | idinfo/citation/citeinfo/title | ||
creator | author / creator | 100, 110, 111 | creator/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/origin | ||
contributor | author / creator | 700, 705, 710, 711, 715, 720, obsolete:400, 410, 411 | ||||
edition | edition | 250 | state | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/edition | ||
publisher | publisher | 260, 261, 262, 264/_1, 362/0 | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/publish /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubdate | |||
creationdate | creation date | structuredDate/beginDate structuredDate/endDate relatedWork/structuredDate/beginDate relatedWork/structuredDate/endDate | idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubdate | |||
format | description | 300, 301, 305, 308, 310, 315, 321, 340, 351 254, 255, 507 | description physicalDescription materials dimensions | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/geoform | ||
ispartof | is part of | article source | ||||
identifier | identifier | 020, 022, 028, 086 | classification/[type|number] itemIdentifier/[type|number] | |||
subject | subject | 2nd ind. 0 only: 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651 Any ind.: 648 | /topic/term | /idinfo/keywords/theme/themekey | ||
description | summary | 520 | /idinfo/descript/abstract /idinfo/descript/purpose /idinfo/descript/supplinf | |||
language | language | 008, 041 | ||||
relation | linking notes | 580 | ||||
source | data source | "HVD ALEPH" | "HVD VIA" | "HVD FGDC" | ||
availlibrary | location, call number | 852 | ||||
vertitle | vernacular title | 245 | ||||
unititle | (not used) | |||||
rights | rights | 542 | copyright | |||
citation | cite as | 524 | ||||
coverage | /idinfo/timeperd/current /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/sngdate/caldate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/mdattim/sngdate/caldate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/rngdates/begdate /idinfo/timeperd/timeinfo/rngdates/enddate | |||||
local fields lds01 through lds10 available for RIS mapping | ||||||
lds01 | record ID | Aleph bib # (001) | recoridid | @layerid | ||
lds02 | OCLC number | 035 | ||||
lds03 | (testing holding info) | |||||
lds04 | Alternate title | 246, 247 | ||||
lds05 | publisher RIS export | 260, 264 | ||||
lds06 | contents | 505 | ||||
lds07 | publication info | 264/_ , 257 | production/[placeOfProduction/place|producer|role] | |||
lds08 | (not used) | |||||
lds09 | finding aids | 555 | ||||
lds10 | keyword | 653, 656, 657 2nd ind. = 9 only: 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695 | /idinfo/keywords/temporal/tempkey | |||
lds11 | (not used) | |||||
lds12 | also issued | 776/0 | ||||
lds13 | notes | 362/1 500 501 502 503 504 508 510 511 513 515 516 518 521 522 523 525 527 530 534 535 536 537 538 544 546 547 550 556 565 567 570 581 585 586 588 | notes | |||
lds14 | statement of responsibility | 245 $c | ||||
lds15 | permalink | permalink | permalink | permalink | ||
lds16 | history note | 545 | ||||
lds17 | series | 490/1 | /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/serinfo/sername /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/serinfo/issue | |||
lds18 | attributes (FGDC) | /eainfo/detailed/attr/attrdef | ||||
lds19 | series display for result list | 440_obs, 490/0 830 800 810 811 (excluding those with subfield 5) | ||||
lds20 | Number of images (used by js) | @numberOfImages - used by js to generate VIA gallery | ||||
lds21 | images/components | images/components | ||||
lds22 | style | style/term | ||||
lds23 | culture | culture/term | ||||
lds24 | related work | relatedWork/[relationship|textElement|creator...|production...|freeDate|link] | /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/origin /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubdate /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/title /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/geoform /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/pubinfo/publish /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/othercit /idinfo/crossref/citeinfo/onlink | |||
lds25 | related info | relatedInformation[@href] | ||||
lds26 | repository | repository/[repositoryName|note|number] | ||||
lds27 | restrictions | useRestrictions | /idinfo/accconst /idinfo/useconst | |||
lds28 | Number of images (formatted for display) | >1 images | ||||
lds29 | ||||||
lds30 - lds39 reserved for linking (matches to lsr30-lsr39 indexes except where noted) | ||||||
lds30 | form/genre | 655 | workType | "Geospatial data" | ||
lds31 | place | 751, 752 | location/place | /idinfo/keywords/place/placekey | ||
lds32 | MeSH | 2nd ind. =2 only: | ||||
lds33 | other title (searches title index) | 730, 740, , 840_obs, | ||||
lds34 | uniform title (searches title index) | 130, 240, 241, 243 | ||||
lds35 | linking notes (searches issn/isbn where available) | 2nd Ind = 0 for all: 760, 762, 765, 767 770, 772, 774, 775, 775, 777 780, 785 | ||||
lds36 | in (host item) (searches title index) | 773/0 | ||||
lds37 | associated name (link not yet configured) |
| associatedName/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] | |||
lds38 | other title / series (searches series index) (see also lds33 other title) | 440_obs 490/0 | ||||
lds39 | ||||||
lds40 | GIS coordinates | not displayed | idinfo/spdom/bounding/northbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/eastbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/southbc idinfo/spdom/bounding/westbc | |||
lds41 | Scanned Key Content | not displayed | ||||
lds42 | HGL layers list | Layer list from FGDC composite | ||||
lds43 | FGDC link to Aleph | @hollisno | ||||
lds44 | ||||||
lds45 | ||||||
lds46 | ||||||
lds47 | ||||||
lds48 | ||||||
lds49 |
Search elements (indexes)
PNX search element | Description | MARC elements (this col. not done) | VIA elements under [work|group] /[surrogate|subwork]/[surrogate] | FGDC | PCI | Note |
creatorcontrib | Creator / contributor (author, added authors) | creator/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] associatedName/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] relatedWork/creator/[nameElement|dates|nationality|place|role] | ||||
title | title | 245 a,b,d,e,f,g,k,n,p | title/textElement relatedWork/textElement image/caption | |||
alttitle | alternative title | 130 210 240 243 246 a,b,n,p | this element is also searched during title search | |||
addtitle | additional title | 100 t,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,r,s | this element is also searched during title search | |||
description | summary | 520 | ||||
subject | subject | topic/term style/term materials placeName/place associatedName/[role='subject'] associatedName/[role='sitter'] | ||||
general | keyword | 010 028 034 074 088 255 262 336 337 338 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 388 500 502 504 505 508 510 511 514 518 521 534 536 541 546 552 555 561 562 563 565 586 588 x,y from: 760 762 765 767 770 772 773 774 775 776 777 780 785 786 787 | culture/term | also includes all other search elements | ||
recordid | record id | |||||
isbn | ISBN | 020 a z | ||||
issn | ISSN | 022 a z m l y | ||||
toc | table of contents | 505 a | ||||
rsrctype | resource type | copied from display/type | ||||
creationdate | ||||||
startdate | structuredDate/beginDate relatedWork/structuredDate/beginDate | |||||
enddate | structuredDate/endDate relatedWork/structuredDate/endDate | |||||
recordtype | ||||||
searchscope | ||||||
scope | ||||||
lsr01 | HOLLIS number | 001 (excl. hyphen and check digit) | viaRecord/recordId | EAD ID | MARC 001 is indexed with and without leading zeros | |
lsr02 | OCLC # | |||||
lsr03 | ||||||
lsr04 | publisher | production/producer relatedWork/production/producer | ||||
lsr05 | publisher place | 260 ae ; 261 f ; 262 a ; 264 a ; 752 abcd | production/placeOfProduction/place relatedWork/production/placeOfProduction/place | |||
lsr06 | bookplate | |||||
lsr26 | repository name | repository/repositoryName | ||||
lds30 - lds39 reserved for linking (matches to lsr30-lsr39) | ||||||
lsr30 | form/genre | workType | ||||
lsr31 | place | 751, 752 651 2nd ind 0: az subfield z where 2nd ind 0: 600 610 611 630 650 | title[@site='Y']/textElement | /idinfo/keywords/place/placekey /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace | ||
lsr32 | MeSH | |||||
lsr38 | series index | 440_obs 490/0 800 810 811 830 |
Facets (documentation in progress)
PNX element | Description | MARC elements | VIA elements under [work|group] /[surrogate|subwork]/[surrogate] | FGDC | PCI | Note |
toplevel | online_resources or | |||||
prefilter | Dropdown values | |||||
rsrctype | Resource Type facet | |||||
creatorcontrib | Creator / contributor (author, added authors) | |||||
language | Language | 008 041 377 a | ||||
creationdate | Creation date | |||||
topic | subject | |||||
collection | PCI data source | n/a | n/a | from PCI | ||
format | ||||||
journal title | PCI data - journal title | n/a | n/a | from PCI | ||
genre | (list fields, sf v) EAD: genreform | |||||
library | Location | 852 b | n/a | |||
lfc01 | Place | 751 752 651 2nd ind 0: az subfield z where 2nd ind 0: 600 610 611 630 650 EAD: | */place */*/place */*/*/place | /idinfo/keywords/place/placekey /idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/pubplace | ||
lfc02 | Visual works at Harvard | |||||
Brief note on VIA records
Harvard VIA records are a local metadata schema somewhat aligned with VRA. Each record contains either a work or a group element at the top level, followed by optional levels of hierarchy as outlined below. Each level of hierarchy has its own metadata elements such as title, creator, etc.
- work
- work/surrogate
- group
- group/surrogate
- group/subwork
- group/subwork/surrogate