You can use NRS Web Admin to create a URN to an important web resource.
After getting an NRS Admin account log into the NRS Web Admin:
- Production:
- QA:
The Opening page of NRS Web Admin looks like this:
Click on the Create link next to the Search link:
Pick a Naming Authority from the drop down list. You should only see the Naming Authorities that you have permissions for:
After you pick a Naming Authority, you should see options for adding a Resource Name and a URL:
By default, the Resource Name will have '{n}', which creates a unique number. You can replace this default value or leave it. Enter the URL for your resource into the URL field.
In the example below, the authority path HUL.OIS has been selected.
If you do not know the appropriate authority path, contact your local NRS Administrator. Consult the NRS Status page to identify you local NRS Administrator.
In the example below, the new PID is urn-3:HUL.OIS:22414.
The new persistent identifier will be actionable (can be used in a browser) when you prepend the NRS address The full working URL to the PID created in the example above would be: urn-3:HUL.OIS:22414
(If you are working with the QA/test version of the NRS Web Admin, use the NRS address http:// instead.)