4. Creating Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

4. Creating Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

There are three methods available to "name" a digital object (create a persistent identifier). Each is described in this section. Regardless of the method you choose, note that new persistent identifiers become actionable (can be used in a browser) the day after they are created.

  • Requesting PIDs at batch deposit. The easiest way to assign a persistent identifier is to request it at DRS batch deposit. You must notify the deposit agent about your decisions regarding authority path and form of resource name.

  • Create PIDs with DRS Web Admin.  If an object is already in DRS but not named, you can use DRS Web Admin to assign a persistent identifier. You will need to identify the object by its DRS ID or another DRS metadata characteristic to use this method.

  • Create PIDs with NRS Web Admin. Use NRS Web Admin to name an object already in the DRS, or to name an important web resource that is not in the DRS. You will need to know the object's URL to use this method.

Best Practice Recommendation: OIS recommends that resource names consist of either an existing semantically neutral identifier such as a catalog record number or accession number, or a meaningless alpha-numeric string. NRS provides URN mask options that will generate unique random strings on demand during creation of resource names. See Resource name format  for more information.

See any of these topics in this section for more information:

Requesting PIDs at batch deposit
Create PIDs with DRS Web Admin
Create PIDs with NRS Web Admin
Resource name format