Several Alma users have reported that Alma sometimes disconnects the user from the session, even when the user has been actively using Alma.
We are working with Ex Libris to diagnose and resolve this issue, and we need your help to document instances when this happens!
Please gather the information and files described below, and submit them in a ticket to the LTS Alma Support Center. (Depending on the nature of the disconnection, it may not be possible to collect everything – it all helps, so just do your best to get what you can.)
Active vs. inactive sessions
Note: Alma is programmed to log the user out automatically after an hour of inactivity. Please only report cases where you've been disconnected from Alma while actively working in Alma or the MDE in the last 10-15 minutes.
1. What were you doing in Alma when it disconnected? (Required)
- "I had the MDE open and was making edits to a bib record, MMS ID# 990140717400203000"
- "I was in Fulfillment > Return Items and was scanning in items"
- "I had just created a new set of physical items, set name "My physical items"
2. What specifically did you see when you were disconnected? Was there a error message? (Required)
Take a screenshot image if possible, or if not, copy/paste the text of the error message into your report.
If there's no specific error message, describe what happened in as much detail as you can, for instance, "I was typing in the MDE when the page suddenly reloaded to the HarvardKey logout screen."
3. Capture a HAR file from the browser (Preferred, but not always possible)
A HAR file is a zip file containing a detailed browser log.
Here are instructions for how to save a HAR file for your current browser tab:
(Adapted from Zendesk)
Attach the HAR file with your report. If there are any problems submitting the file through the ticket, you can send it via secure Accellion Kiteworks attachment to Emily Kelly ( and Maureen Driscoll ( afterward – please include the Footprints ticket number for reference.
Copy/Paste a tracking ID from Alma (Preferred, but not always possible)
If you are completely disconnected from Alma, this will be impossible. If Alma is still open at all (or if it spontaneously logs you right back in again), try to gather a tracking ID:
- Open the Help menu ("?" in the top banner)
- Select "Generate Tracking ID"
- Highlight the code that appears in the pop-up and copy it with the Alma Copy button or by typing Ctrl-C
- Paste the tracking ID code into your report.
Generate an Alma performance tracking file (Preferred, but not always possible)
If you are completely disconnected from Alma, this will be impossible. If Alma is still open at all (or if it spontaneously logs you right back in again), try to save a performance tracking file:
- Open the Help menu ("?" in the top banner)
- Select "Generate Performance Tracking File"
- The browser will download a file with a name like "E06-0306201757-YYPBS-GENERAL.dat" to your computer.
- Attach this file with your report. If there are any problems submitting the file through the ticket, you can send it via secure Accellion Kiteworks attachment to Emily Kelly ( and Maureen Driscoll ( afterward – please include the Footprints ticket number for reference.