Schlesinger Library Wiki Documentation
A list of the currently used wiki pages at the library
Note: Not all content will be viewable to all users.
Cross-Department Workflows
Links out to documentation on Schlesinger Library Sharepoint site about cross-department workflows.
Index for Schlesinger Processes + FAQs
Links out to documentation on Schlesinger Library Sharepoint site, including helpful links for new hires and information about administrative tasks.
Vicarious Trauma Resources for Staff
Links out to documentation on Schlesinger Library Sharepoint site related to the work of the Vicarious Trauma Task Force.
Manuscript Processing Manual and Procedures
Includes information on processing workflow, surveying, appraisal, sorting and arranging, description, numbering, preservation, copyright, restricted material, material formats, addenda, EAD and XMetal, digitization, end processing, bibliographic records, communicating with donors, authority work, etc.
Published and Printed Materials Department Procedures
Includes information on acquisitions, end processing, cataloging resources, conservation, pamphlet collections, Scan Key Content project, local cataloging procedures, serials, name authority records, withdrawals, etc.
Schlesinger Exhibitions Manual
Provides guidance on most aspects of library exhibitions, including committee roles, gallery spaces, item usage procedures, text formatting, accessibility practices, photography and image use, events and promotion, etc.
Includes information on basic principles and guidance, accessioning workflows, accessioning work with new collections, addenda to existing collections, accessioning photograph collections, etc.
Includes the photograph cataloging manual and unpublished audiovisual cataloging manual.
Inclusive and Reparative Language Guide
Presents the library's guidelines for best practices for description; topics addressed include aging and ageism, disabilities, gender and sexual identities, political and cultural terminology, race and ethnicity, and challenging content.
Reading Room Documentation
Includes information on practices for staff working in the reading room, guidelines for navigating collections, notes on copy requests, and Aeon documentation.
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