Digital Preservation Services Portfolio

Systems and Tools

Business ownership over tools, systems, and services that advance digital preservation and archiving activities. Some responsibilities include but aren't limited to:

  • Liaise with library leadership with respect to applicable policies
  • Create and maintain preservation and usage policies
  • Manage systems (including the DRS, ePADD, and Archive-It) to encourage appropriate use, initial contact for service, provides context related to other services at Harvard and beyond
  • Coordinate preservation audits
  • Work with the Library’s financial group to manage finances and cost model
  • Create and periodically review high-level roadmap for sequencing enhancements and major bugs
  • Represent the users’ interests/needs and preservation needs of the content
  • Coordinate development of high-level functional requirements as needed
  • Monitor and assess external preservation tools and services to determine applicability toward meeting user and/or preservation requirements
  • Participates in review of user interface designs
  • Participate in storage refresh planning and decisions by specifying preservation requirements
  • Conduct growth estimates for storage and infrastructure planning


  • Consultations
  • Design workflows around supported systems
  • Create and maintain preservation plans including format migrations
  • Produce DRS and preservation reports
  • Monitor and advise on new and obsolescent formats and technology
  • Develop and maintain DRS content models
  • Sign off on changes to content characterization
  • Perform fixes to content and metadata as needed
  • Perform large-scale deletions or expungements when necessary
  • Produce reports on content and metadata as needed
  • Analyze content identified as potentially having viruses

Research and Development

  • Innovative advancement of new systems and services
  • Piloting and testing beta systems to determine whether they are appropriate for long-term adoption

Outreach and Education

  • Provide preservation guidance and consultation services to faculty, staff, and students
  • Engage in community forums and conduct in-person interviews when necessary to elicit user feedback

Distribution of Roles and Responsibilities


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