2. Chapter Two: Functions

2. Chapter Two: Functions

2.1 Smartphone Application

Parameters (Slider, toggle, etc): Parameters can be synchronized, You can control them from the Fologram.

Layers: Layers from Rhino3D can be found from here you can turn on or off the visibility. Layer with star mark(*) is the selected layer from Rhino3D.

Models: You can find example models from here

Edit: You can define new base coordinate and visualize plane of different axis.





Setting: There are a lot of settings; activating some features requiring complicated calculation, and visibility.

2.2 Grasshopper Components

Figure 1 Fologram Components

Figure 1 Fologram Components

Most of the functions of Fologram are at Grasshopper. So, a bit of understanding of using grasshopper is required. Some of the components are described from the Fologram community website.

Component Description -> https://community.fologram.com/t/introducing-new-components-in-fologram-2020-1-release/62


But only specific components are needed when you use smartphone. So, in this chapter, I describe the basic component that you will mostly use. Moreover, you can ignore the brown colored components. The essential components for interacting with smartphone are purple ones.

“Connected Device”: This is the parameter that can be connected to most of the other Fologram parameters. If there is nothing at the output of this Parameter, you should check the connection of the smartphone.


“Connected Device”


“Track Device”: This is the parameter that can track the direction and the position of the device connected. In this workshop, it tracks your smartphone. You can check the X(red), Y(green), Z(blue) axis and a base point from the image on the right side.

You can also connect the output of this parameter with “Plane (Pln)” parameter.

“Track Device"

“Track Markers”: Output of this parameters are the data read from the QR codes and ARUCO marks, index of the codes, and the tracking data. You have to download and follow specific setting to use this component.

You can check the description of ARUCO marks and download them from this link.


ARUCO Description -> http://www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/26

ARUCO Mark Download -> https://community.fologram.com/t/aruco-marker-download/147

ARUCO Mark Generator -> https://chev.me/arucogen/

“Track Markers”


You have to toggle on the QR or ARCO tracking from the setting.


Then get close to the marks.


Fologtam recognizes the marks in real time. But it is hard to track more than 6 marks depending on the device you are using.

“Tract State”: Output of this parameter shows whether you are dragging object or releasing tap.

“Track Taps”: Output of this parameter shows the index of the object you tapped from the smartphone. In this case, there is only one object, so the output of the component is “0”.

“Track Pointers”: Output of this parameter shows the *ray-casted points on the AR object.

(*ray-casting -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_casting)

'“Tract State”
“Track Taps”
“Track Pointers”

If you want to synchronize the grasshopper slider with the smartphone and view the status, you have to use both “Parameter Change” and “Sync Parameters”.

“Parameter Change”: This parameter is connected with the slider and view the status through the output

“Sync Parameters”: You should create sync parameter to synchronize the slider value from smartphone and grasshopper. You can manipulate value both from both.


“Parameter Change”

“Sync Parameters”

“Sync Object”: This parameter takes geometery as an input and displays it on the smartphone. Put your cursor on the fologram icon and right click your mouse, you can change the setting of preview and interactive options from the pop up window.

“Sync Object”

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