010: First Sound: A Chirp

For this lab, you will need:

PicoADK on Grove adapter board

Headphone Amp with headphones or powered speaker

(Optional) Oscilloscope to observe timing of flag outputs.

The setup will have at least these boards (possibly others):

The Grove cable with the bare wires is for testing the timing of the flag outputs with the oscilloscope.  If you won't be doing that, you can omit this cable.

Connect the ground clips of the scope probes to the black wire.

Connect the white wire to channel 1 of the scope.

Connect the yellow wire to channel 2 of the scope.

User has already gotten to blinky, so just create a new directory for PicoADKChirpInterp, download the following, compile and run.

Description of the code.  Notice the difference of the left and right ears.  

Discuss the timing, scope traces.

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