HD, Barcoding, & Box Labels

HD, Barcoding, & Box Labels

Recalling boxes from HD

To recall boxes from HD:

  1. Create a .txt document with only the barcodes you're questing, each barcode on a new line.
  2. Complete the Harvard Depository Request Form:
    1. Enter the Center's /wiki/spaces/hmschommanual/pages/49447172
    2. Attach the .txt file you created with the barcodes you're requesting. 

Sending boxes to HD

New accessions

Every time you add boxes to the New Accessions shelves please fill out the New Accessions Tracking Excel file, located here: N:\Collections\07_Collections_Databases_and_Lists\HD_Management\FY23_NewAccessionsTracking.xlsx. There is a separate tab for the 2nd floor.

Using the wireless barcode scanner:

  1. Enter date and scan the barcode under the appropriate column
  2. If oversize, scan the barcode under that column but also include the dimensions (LxWxH)

For 2nd floor new accessions/new barcodes, please also fill out the Media Pickup Request Formhttps://hdep.library.harvard.edu/online-forms-0 

  • Fill out all the usual info and select 'This pickup is for New Accessions only.'
  • Enter the number of RCCs under Paige boxes, any Hollinger boxes (letter/legal), and if you have any oversize, fill that out under Other Containers.

To send small boxes and books, place items in a gray bin.

If New Accessions shelves are full, please contact Meghan to place a pick-up order.


Every time you add boxes to the Refiles area, please fill out the Refiles Tracking Excel file located here: N:\Collections\07_Collections_Databases_and_Lists\HD_Management\FY23_RefilesTracking.xlsx. There is a separate tab for the 2nd floor.

Using the wireless barcode scanner, enter the date and scan in the barcode.

To send small boxes and books back to HD, please place items in a red bin.

Barcoding instructions

  • HD barcodes and the barcode scanner can be found in the cabinet above the sink in the departmental kitchen area.
  • If there are old barcodes on the boxes, remove the barcodes using the micro-spatula, and follow the Withdrawing Barcodes from HD instructions below to ensure the barcodes are permanently withdrawn.
    • If you are replacing a box that's part of a processed collection, you'll also need to update the box's barcode in both Alma and ASpace. To do this, locate the item record/container instance and edit the item/top container's barcode. 
  • Using a Sharpie, cross out the Harvard Depository barcode, stamped date and the “OK” stamp.
  • Cross out any handwritten labels on box not specific to the collection or accession.
  • Place barcodes on box.
    • Each barcode comes in duplicate and one should be placed on the outside of the box, near the box label, and the second should be placed on the interior of the box in such a manner as to be easily visible when the box is opened. It is important that this second barcode be used in case the first is damaged or removed.
  • Follow these instructions forCreating/Editing Item Records as needed.
  • In Item Record edit mode, click your cursor into the Barcode field.
  • Scan the barcode (for accuracy and efficiency, use the barcode scanner to enter barcodes into Alma whenever practical).
  • Enter the following information in the appropriate fields (data can be entered manually or by using the drop down menu):
    • Material type: Mixed Material
    • Description: Box 01, etc.
    • Item Policy: Special Collections (Non-Requestable) (97) for unprocessed collections or Special Collections (Requestable) (91) for open/processed collections.
  • Repeat the above steps for each box.

Withdrawing barcodes from HD

Whenever you discard a box that was previously barcoded and housed at HD (usually due to collection shrinkage during processing), you must: 
  1. If needed, Withdraw the item from Alma (usually in cases of collection shrinkage during processing)
  2. Withdraw the barcode from HD:
    1. Save the list of barcodes to be withdrawn in a .txt file
    2. Submit the request directly to HD via the HD Permanent Withdrawal of Media online form
      1. Enter the Center's /wiki/spaces/hmschommanual/pages/49447172 in the HD Account Prefix field and hit autofill
      2. Fill out your name, phone number, and email address
      3. Attach the .txt file
    3. Email the list of withdrawn barcodes to the CHoM HD Point Person (Meghan)
  3. If breaking down the box for reuse at the Center, please remove the HD barcodes from the box. This will make it clear to the next person who uses the box that the barcode has been previously withdrawn.

Box Labels

Below are .doc templates for generating box labels for manuscript and archival collections. If labeling an oversized box, please place a label on two adjoining sides of the box to ensure that the label may be visible regardless of storage orientation. 

To generate a large number of labels for a single collection, use BoxLabels_FillableForm.docx located in the Collections folder on the network drive.

  • Input all of the collection-specific information in the first cell of page 1 for Box 01 (make sure everything is between the square brackets, this can be a bit finicky. It is recommended you start in the middle and use backspace/delete as needed to overwrite data between brackets).
  • Ctrl+A to select the whole document
  • F9 to auto-update remaining labels

If you need to add more labels:

  • select all cells on any page except the first page (you do not want to copy the reference cell!) 
  • Ctrl+C to copy
  • Click to place the cursor at the very bottom of any page. Be sure it is outside of a cell.
  • Ctrl+P to paste; repeat as needed
  • Ctrl+A to select all cells in the document
  • F9 to update all fields - this will also update box numbers in sequence.

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