Building Directory
Building Directory
Building Directory
Last Name | First Name | Phone | Office Location | |
Sayers | Lynn | sayers@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2455 617-866-0366 | Level A, A-40 |
Lewellen | Rachel | rachel_lewellen@harvard.edu | 617-496-3758 | Level A, A-50 |
Adams | Danielle | adams3@harvard.edu | 617-998-5175 | Level A, A-60 |
Noh | Kim | kim_noh@harvard.edu | Level A, A-60 | |
Thornton | Alison | alison_thornton@harvard.edu | 617-998-1547 | Level A, A-60 |
Sherriff | Laura | laura_sherriff@harvard.edu | 781-690-3558 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
Ansaldo | Lynn | ansaldo@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2452 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
Arena | Mike | marena@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-6355 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
DiBenedetto | Linda | ljdi@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2452 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
Elwood | Caitlin | celwood@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2979 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
Hanna | Paul | phanna@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2979 | 1st Floor, Unified Service Point |
Clark | George | clark5@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-6158 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Cohen-Tanugi | Jess | jessica_cohen-tanugi@harvard.edu | 617-998-5176 | Level B, B-20 |
McGowan-Moniz | Erinlea | erinlea_mcgowan-moniz@harvard.edu | 617-496-9854 | Level B, B-40 |
Scoble | Clayton | clatyon_scoble@harvard.edu | 617-496-3692 | Level B, B-40 |
Sredl | Diane | sredl@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-5936 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Truslow | Hugh | truslow@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-1846 | |
Worster | Paul | worster@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-1734 | Level B, B-40 |
Burns | Bonnie | bburns@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-8125 | Pusey 1, Harvard Map Collection |
Denis | Lena | lena_denis@harvard.edu | 617-495-2417 | Pusey 1, Harvard Map Collection |
Rosenwasser | Jonathan | rosenwas@fas.harvard.edu | 617-998-5266 | Pusey 1, Harvard Map Collection |
Walker | Scott | cswalker@fas.harvard.edu | 617-866-8717 | Pusey 1, Harvard Map Collection |
Weimer | David | dweimer@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-3670 | Pusey 1, Harvard Map Collection |
Assogba | Anna | assogba@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-9815 | 3rd Floor, 380 |
Bell | Emily | emilybell@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-9988 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Carens | Geoff | carens@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-3495 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Coolidge Toker | Emily | emily_coolidgetoker@harvard.edu | 617-496-2373 | 3rd Floor, 380 |
Gilroy | Sue | sgilroy@fas.harvard.edu | 617-496-5403 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Gersch | Beate | beate_gersch@harvard.edu | 617-998-1472 | 3rd Floor, 350 |
Kuehler | Steve | kuehler@fas.harvard.edu | 617-384-8270 | 2nd Floor, 210 |
Sheehan | Kathleen | ksheehan@fas.harvard.edu | 617-384-8089 | 3rd Floor, 380 |
Deschenes | Amy | amy_deschenes@harvard.edu | 617-496-2619 | Level A, A-10 |
Lavoie | Danielle | danielle_lavoie@harvard.edu | 617-495-5272 | Level A, A-10 |
Davis | Christina | davis2@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2454 | 3rd Floor, Poetry Room |
Graham Walker | Mary | marywgraham@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-2454 | 3rd Floor, Poetry Room |
Thompson | Christina | cathomps@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-9775 | 3rd Floor, 360 |
Garcia-Roberts | Chloe | cgarcia@fas.harvard.edu | 617-495-9775 | 3rd Floor, 360 |
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