Winter 2019
Library Technology Services and Harvard Library staff are engaging in a Pilot project to extend batch item update functions to library staff to update item records in batch.
Batch Item Updates training materials and script
Pilot Milestones
- Development of training script & materials. (Completed Jan 2019)
- Review by LTS Tech Team and Working Group Co-Chairs.
- Identification of initial cohort of participants.
- Pilot cohort training on batch item update process. (Jan/Feb 2019)
- Pilot members will independently practice batch item updates. (February 2019)
- Once pilot members feel comfortable with the process, they will ask LTS to review the updated records.
- LTS will review the records loaded for the operator and confirm the project was completed according to proper parameters.
- Pilot member can begin to update item records in production, in line with the best practices covered in training.
Pilot Participants