January 6, 2020
The EOC reviewed and discussed recommendations from the Google Books Discovery & Access WG report. EOC agreed to move forward as follows:
Recommendations 1 – 4: These recommendations require similar work and can be looked at as a project. LTS will review requirements and scope work for project prioritization. LTS has begun work updating inventory (recommendation 4) for items sent in most recent scanning phase.
Recommendation 5: As there is no source for this data from google, the EOC does not approve this recommendation.
Recommendation 6: The EOC will refer this recommendation to D2D for prioritization
Recommendation 7: The EOC believes this recommendation needs further analysis after the new Hathi user interface is released. LTS work to update GLIB related scripts would be needed. This will be referred to D2D for prioritization when new Hathi UI is available.
Recommendation 8: The EOC will further discuss this recommendation at the February meeting.