A new practice for identifying "Databases" was implemented in the summer of 2016. This will affect resource type display and faceting in HOLLIS+ (Primo).
In order for a record to appear as a "Database" in HOLLIS+, the Aleph NET holding should include the collection code DBASE, instead of GEN:
852 |b NET |c DBASE
"Databases" in HOLLIS+ can also be faceted by the resource type identified in the LDR, as defined in the HOLLIS+ resource type definitions.
For example, JSTOR can be found as either a "Database" or a "Journal." It will appear in the search results with the "Database" icon:
Database indicator in ERIN
The Database indicator is selectable for New E-Resource requests in ERIN. Staff will select "This is a Database" when they want the resource to appear as a Database and be included in the Database facet.
Unsure whether your resource would be considered a database? Consult with your E-Resource coordinator (listed at E-Resources Unit) for guidance.
ERIN notification for databases
For staff cataloging e-resources, the collection code will be indicated in the body of the message with Subject: "ERIN: Request for Cataloging with Database Collection Code" as follows:
- in Aleph, complete the cataloging using 852 $$b NET $$c DBASE in the holding record.