Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Sets to compile prior to rollover:
    • All Active Continuous Orders owned by Middle East - Report named: MEAADOrderstoZeroOut
    • All Active Orders of POL type Standing Order Non-Monograph owned by Judaica - Report named: JudaicaStandingOrderNonMonos
    • All active continuous orders not owned by ITS 625 eResources, encumbered on a 265 fund that are not gifts/technical - Report named: LawOrderstoZeroOut
    • Queries for these sets can be located in the folder located at;
      Shared Folders/Harvard University/_WGs/FY23 Encumbrances Working Group/AnnualReports/PostRolloverUpdates
  • Remaining ledgers rolled as follows:
    • Roll all ledgers
    • Roll all PO Lines where Continuity = Standing Order on encumbrance (does not impact the Standing Order non-Monograph orders)
      n.b. PO Lines of type Standing Order Non-Monograph should fully encumber, with the intent to release any remaining encumbrances in March
    • Roll all remaining PO Lines, identifying that for continuous orders to use expenditure plus an FPC factor of 4%
    • Run Update POLs Transactions job on the following sets, updating list prices to $0.01:
      • All Active Continuous Orders owned by Middle East
      • All Active Orders of POL type Standing Order Non-Monograph owned by Judaica
      • All active continuous orders not owned by ITS 625 eResources, encumbered on a 265 fund that are not gifts/technical
    • Continuity = Standing Order on encumbrance (does not impact the Standing Order non-Monograph orders)
    • All remaining continuous orders on expenditure plus 4%

Application of Fund Rules

  • Report on funds with rules should be run daily
    • The report can be subscribed for email receipt from Alma Analytics, Shared with me, it is entitled FIN-Budget Status with Rules Filter
  • Funds over 92% should have rules disabled
  • Funds used for both subscriptions and approval plans should not have rules enabled
  • At this time, the 26-50 funds HLF has agreed to allow use of rules for should continue
  • If any funds appear as overspent, reports to identify invoices In Review that can be adjusted can be found at:
    Shared Folders/Harvard University/_WGs/FY23 Encumbrances Working Group/AnnualReports/Fund Rules


  • Report for instances where users forgot to check off the box on invoice payment

    • The report with a weekly cadence is subscribable from Analytics Shared with me, under the title: ACQ-Orders with Outstanding Encumbrances
    • A flexible version of this report, called OrderLineTypeAllExpendedWithEncumbrancesStill can be located in the following filepath in Design Analytics:
      Shared Folders/Harvard University/_WGs/FY23 Encumbrances Working Group/AnnualReports/EncumbranceReleaseReports
    • Weekly review of cases where an encumbrance remains after an expenditure should take place
    • Anything that looks like it was an accidental failure to check off the box to release the remaining encumbrance should be gathered into a set to run the Update PO Lines Transaction job on, in order to release any remaining encumbrance should be done regularly
  • Annual follow up on orders expected to be invoiced that have not yet been

    • These reports should be run around February or Marchat the beginning of February
    • Reports to run for this purpose can be found in the folder located in Alma Analytics at:
      Shared Folders/Harvard University/_WGs/FY23 Encumbrances Working Group/AnnualReports/EncumbranceReleaseReports


      • In each of these pairs of reports, the invoice dates need to be pasted into a secondary tab of the OrdersList report, and pulled into the main tab using the VLOOKUP formula
      • Sort the reports by Date, oldest to newest
      • Filter to anything with a date over one year prior
      • Review the list for anything that references a potential standing order in the receiving note (e.g. Analyzed or Various), but is coded as a subscription
        • Convert these to Order Line Type Standing Order Non-Monograph, using the Update PO Lines Information - Advanced job – can be run by Amy Dittman or via ticket to LT
      • Sort this sub-list by vendor
      • Assign individuals in Acquisitions/Subscriptions from across Harvard Library to follow up on a vendor or vendors’ outstanding orders, regardless of PO Line Owning Library or associated fund
        • Berenson – In FY23 they did their own whole report
        • DOAK
        • Serials Acq at 625
        • CRA at Langdell
        • ITS 625 eResources
        • Judaica
        • Harvard-Yenching ITS
        • Slavic
  • Orders of type Standing Order Non-Monograph

    • Any orders on the reports above with the order line type Standing Order NonMonograph should have their list prices adjusted to $0.01 and the remaining encumbrances released in March

  • Handling of orders typically billed April-June

    • Case study using the Fine Arts Bliss fund
    • All orders excluding those that were cost-shared or flagged by the selector had their encumbrances released on April 1
    • Recommend this approach going forward for all funds without carryover
  • Funds permitting carryover

    • Any orders w/o any expenditure in 4 years should be minimized to penny list prices/encumbrances released every April 1

PO Lines of type Standing Order Non-Monograph

  • PO Lines of order line type Standing Order non-Monograph will encumber on expenditure plus the FPC factor % in the rollover
  • For any over-encumbered funds, review the dollar value of encumbrances associated with this order type, based on a pivot table of encumbrance values by Order Line Type ;
    if it is sufficient to bring the fund’s available balance within the 3% threshold to benefit from the rules, reduce this set of orders to $0.01 list prices
  • , because Alma considers them subscriptons
  • As orders’ frequency are revealed annually through correspondence with vendors, it can make sense to use the U pdate Update PO Lines Information - Advanced job to change order line types:
    • Make things that are sent less than annually Standing Order NonMonograph
    • Make resources that are sent at least once per year Physical Journal - Subscription
  • Continuity Type = Standing Order 
  • Roll on minimal encumbrance
  • List prices for Electronic Title - Standing Order should be $0.01 for sole-funded orders and $100 for cost-shared or multi-fund ordersOrder Line type = Physical - Standing Order Non-Monograph 
    • allow to roll on expenditure
    • release on as needed sets will roll over with new encumbrances based on expenditure
    • For any over-encumbered funds, review the dollar value of encumbrances associated with this order type, based on a pivot table of encumbrance values by Order Line Type ;
      if it is sufficient to bring the fund’s available balance within the 3% threshold to benefit from the rules, reduce this set of orders to $0.01 list prices
    • release encumbrances for these orders as needed where it can create positive available balances on over-encumbered funds
    • release any remaining encumbrances by April of the new fiscal year for all orders of order line type Standing Order NonMonograph

Allocation Matchup

Annual review process


  • Over-encumbered/under-allocated funds - Funds where percent committed >103
    • Filter the report to anything where the percent committed exceeds 103
    • Reach out to selectors about these funds, asking if they have the ability to allocate more funds, anticipate more funds being allocated in the future – sometimes the case for certain ledgers' endowments, or if they would like assistance in identifying orders that could transition to a different fund
    • Include copies for each of the responsible selector’s over-encumbered fund strings entitled OverEncumberedFundOrders, also located in the folder:
      /Shared Folders/Harvard University/_WGs/TSWG/Rollover/PostRolloverFundAssessment
      • If there are obvious suggestions for how to bring the fund’s available balance back to positive, such as minimizing encumbrances for Stanidng Order nonMonongraph orders reference those in the outreach message.
    • It might also be useful to compare how these same funds were allocated the previous year – sometimes this highlights areas where there are planned transfers – PreviousFYAllocationByFund, in the same subfolder
  • Rules application - Funds where precent committed is between 95 and 103
    • HLF will only permit up to 50 funds having the Alma rules, be cognizant of this limitation when sending the request
    • Filter the report to anything where the percent committed is between 95 and 103
    • In a new column to the far right, calculate 3% of the fund’s allocated balance
    • Send this list to, indicating that they are a list of funds that would benefit from use of the Alma rules


    • Batch jobs to drop to $0.01
      • run in ascending order, based on size
    • Over-encumbered funds report
      • follow up with selectors for any over-encumbered funds with lists of encumbered funds


      • , unless changes described in the Alma roadmap for the first half of 2024 make identifying this information simpler 
      • One week after the all-clear, share a copy of the report detailing the status of any over-encumbered funds and their anticipated resolution via the ER&S email list

Communication improvement
