Owning repository is a required field. For Harvard libraries and archives, we are using the 3-letter codes shown in the HOLLIS.
List of three letter owning repository codes for Harvard libraries and archives:
Repository Name (encoded per Aleph) Aleph/Aeon LOCATION Code Aeon SITE
Botany Arboretum AJP AJP Botany Gray/Arnold ARG HUH Botany Arnold (Cambr.) ARN
HUH Harvard Art Museums ART PRES
Baker Business BAK BAK Biblioteca Berenson BER PRES Cabot Science CAB PRES
Charles Warren East Asian Res Ctr
Countway MedicineRobinson Celtic
Dumbarton Oaks DDO PRES Loeb Design DES DES Andover-Harv. Theol DIV DIV Documents (Lamont) DOC PRES
Botany Econ. Botany ECB HUH Environmental Information Ctr ENV PRES Fine Arts FAL FAL Botany Farlow Library FAR HUH Harvard Forest FOR PRES Fung Library FUN PRES Kummel Geological Sci GEO PRES Botany Gray Herbarium GRA HUH Grossman GRO PRES Gutman Education GUT
GUT Ctr Hellen Studies HEL PRES Harvard Film Archive HFA PRES
Harvard ForestHoughton
HOU Sci Instruments HSI PRES Harvard University Archives HUA
PRESHUA Harvard-Yenching HYL HYL
Harvard Kennedy School KSG PRES Lamont LAM PRES Law School LAW
Map Coll (Pusey) MAP MAP
McKay Applied Sci MCK PRES
Museum Comp Zoology MCZ MCZ Countway Medicine MED MED Microforms (Lamont) MIC PRES Master Microforms MMF PRES Murray Research Ctr MUR PRES
Loeb Music MUS MUS Near Eastern Lib NEL PRES Ophthalmology OPH PRES Botany Ames Orchid ORC HUH Medieval Studies Lib PAL PRES Peabody Museum PEA PRES Robbins Philosophy PHI PRES
Russian Res Ctr RRC PRES Rubel (Fine Arts) RUB
FAL Sanskrit Library SAN PRES
Sanskrit LibraryStraus Conservation
SANSCC PRES Schlesinger SCH PRES Sci & Intl Affairs SIA
PRES Smyth Classical SMY PRES Social Rel-Sociol SOC PRES Statistics STA
PRES Theatre Collection THE
THEHOU Tozzer TOZ TOZ Ukrainian Res Inst URI PRES Warren Anatomical WAM PRES Charles Warren Ctr Lib WAR PRES Weissman Preservation Ctr WEI PRES Widener WID WID/PRES Wolbach Library WOL PRES Other Harvard institutions:
Institution Name Aeon LOCATION Code Aeon SITE
The Note Botany Libraries BOH PRES This code was established to represent aggregated Harvard Botany collections, and will be associated with digitization Activities and Transactions that consist of items from multiple Botany repositories. Property Information Resource Center PIRC PRES
Patron owned materials:
Institution Name Aeon LOCATION Code Aeon SITE N/A Patron PRES