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Owning repository is a required field. For Harvard libraries and archives, we are using the 3-letter codes shown in HOLLIS.

    • List of three letter owning repository codes for Harvard libraries and archives:

      Repository Name (encoded per Aleph)Aleph/Aeon LOCATION CodeAeon SITE
      Botany ArboretumAJPPRES
      Botany Gray/ArnoldARGPRES
      Botany Arnold (Cambr.)ARNPRES
      Harvard Art MuseumsARTPRES
      Baker BusinessBAKPRES
      Biblioteca BerensonBERPRES
      Cabot ScienceCABPRES
      East Asian Res CtrCEAPRES
      Robinson CelticCELPRES
      Dumbarton OaksDDOPRES
      Loeb DesignDESPRES
      Andover-Harv. TheolDIVPRES
      Documents (Lamont)DOCPRES
      Botany Econ. BotanyECBPRES
      Environmental Information CtrENVPRES
      Fine ArtsFALFAL
      Botany Farlow LibraryFARPRES
      Harvard ForestFORPRES
      Fung LibraryFUNPRES
      Kummel Geological SciGEOPRES
      Botany Gray HerbariumGRAPRES
      Gutman EducationGUTPRES
      Ctr Hellen StudiesHELPRES
      Harvard Film ArchiveHFAPRES
      Sci InstrumentsHSIPRES
      Harvard University ArchivesHUAPRES
      Harvard Kennedy SchoolKSGPRES
      Law SchoolLAWPRES
      Map Coll (Pusey)MAPMAP
      McKay Applied SciMCKPRES
      Museum Comp ZoologyMCZPRES
      Countway MedicineMEDPRES
      Microforms (Lamont)MICPRES
      Master MicroformsMMFPRES
      Murray Research CtrMURPRES
      Loeb MusicMUSMUS
      Near Eastern LibNELPRES
      Botany Ames OrchidORCPRES
      Medieval Studies LibPALPRES
      Peabody MuseumPEAPRES
      Robbins PhilosophyPHIPRES
      Russian Res CtrRRCPRES
      Rubel (Fine Arts)RUBFAL
      Sanskrit LibrarySANPRES
      Straus ConservationSCCPRES
      Sci & Intl AffairsSIAPRES
      Smyth ClassicalSMYPRES
      Social Rel-SociolSOCPRES
      Theatre CollectionTHEHOU
      Ukrainian Res InstURIPRES
      Warren AnatomicalWAMPRES
      Charles Warren Ctr LibWARPRES
      Weissman Preservation CtrWEIPRES
      Wolbach LibraryWOLPRES
    • Other Harvard institutions:

      Institution NameAeon LOCATION CodeAeon SITENote
      Botany LibrariesBOHPRESThis code was established to represent aggregated Harvard Botany collections, and will be associated with digitization Activities and Transactions that consist of items from multiple Botany repositories.
      Property Information Resource CenterPIRCPRES 
    • Patron owned materials:

      Institution NameAeon LOCATION CodeAeon SITE
  • No labels