070 Sample Player
Start with simple mono sample player, playing internal samples with various compressions.
Simple compression algo:
Here are some lame samples. I promise to find better ones
Next we add playback speed adjust with POT1.
After that we will add piezos to control timing and amplitude. As many as 4 of them, so we'll add 4-voice polyphony.
Two pots control the pitches of the 4 piezos:
If you have more pots, you can dedicate one pot per piezo.
This is capable of playing samples in high flash memory (> 2M), but we need to be able to store them there. This utility does that:
(The code works, but it needs polish.) The nice thing about the loader is that subsequent Arduino code downloads won't disturb the samples in high memory.
With the 4MB version of PicoADK, that frees up 2MB for samples, which is about 10 seconds of uncompressed audio.
Next, we'll describe how to format and load your own samples.
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