ER001: Dual Low-Noise Temperature Controller

For Semeghini and Yao labs.  A temperature controller for an AOSense oven, with extra safety features and interlocks.

The controller features two hybrid (buck switcher followed by LDO) power supplies:

a 0-15V 0-1A supply for the window and a 0-28V 0-0.7A supply for the oven.

The user interface is predominantly through the front panel: an OLED display and select/adjust knobs.

The main board is the ERBuckLDO.  Schematics:

Arduino code:

The second board is the thermocouple interface ERTCADCIso, with only channels C and D populated.

ERTCADC communicates with ERBuckLDO over a comms port, sending temperature information every second.

Arduino code:

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