Fixing Items with a Status "Not Available"

Fixing Items with a Status "Not Available"

There are a few reasons items could have a status of "Not Available."  Some came about through the migration to Alma from Aleph if there was a Item Processing status in Aleph of "In cataloging".  Others are from Alma, when during the invoice payment process the item is received, Alma automatically assigns it a status of "In transit", and the item displays as "not Available'.  This has the consequence of suppressing the Aeon request in Hollis and indicating to a researcher the item is not available for use. 

To fix the problem of an item not showing up as Available.

  • Change the Alma Location in the upper right-hand corner of your Alma Desktop to either “Houghton Circulation” or “Theatre Circulation,” depending on the source of the item in hand.
  • Open the item record in Alma. Highlight and copy the system-provided barcode (usually beginning with alma but may be a long-form barcode for manuscript cases).
  • From the persistent tool bar on top of the page, go to Fulfillment – Scan In Items
  • Paste the barcode into “Scan item barcode” box. Register in-house use box should be deselected. Click “OK”

* note that this process will not work if the holdings record already has “HD” in the 852 field; in these cases, change to GEN to remove In Transit status, then edit holdings record again to enter HD or other final location code.