Lifecycle Tracking in Aeon

Lifecycle Tracking in Aeon


  • The Aeon record for books awaiting cataloging on the Mezzanine will be routed as “Technical Services – Acquisitions.” 
  • Upon moving to the Rare Book Section to be cataloged, the Aeon record will be updated to "Technical Services - Books" and assigned to an individual cataloger (as designated on the Mezzanine shelf and assigned by the Head of Rare Book Section).  Term projects are exempt from this process (e.g., Gore Vidal Collection).
  • Purchases sent to the Manuscript Section will have the Aeon slip updated prior to delivery for Manuscript accessioning, to indicate “In Technical Services – Manuscripts and Other” and assigned to the appropriate accessioning archivist as designated by Manuscripts Accessioning. 
  • Gifts received in the Manuscript Section will have the Aeon slip indicating “In Technical Services – Manuscripts and Other” and assigned to the appropriate accessioning archivist as designated by Manuscripts Accessioning.  
  • After material has been cataloged, processed, or accessioned for future processing, it will be brought to one of our End-Processing areas. The cataloger, processor, and/or accessioning archivist will update the Aeon record to reflect “Technical Services—End-Processing” and change the assignee to the appropriate end-processor.
  • When an item is classified (whether in book cataloging or manuscripts accessioning), the Aeon record should be updated with the new call number. The printed out-slip need not be printed again, but the call number should be clearly written on it.  


Location Key

Technical Services – Acquisitions: Mezzanine

Technical Services – Books:  Pusey P1, or section head’s office

Technical Services – Manuscripts and Other: Manuscript accessioning, or with Manuscript cataloger

Technical Services – End-Processing: Mezzanine or Pusey P1 End-Processing

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