CURIOSity Request Form

CURIOSity Request Form

Approved submissions will be followed up by the Digital Collections Program Manager, who will submit a CURIOSity Request form, using the information from the internal submission. If the Request Form raises any other questions, the Digital Collections Program Manager will confer with the submitter for clarification.

The submitter will be listed on the form in the Contact Info field asking "Who will be the curator/primary contact for this website? Please provide a name, title, library/unit, and email." Submitters take primary responsibilty for their sites.

The Digital Collections Program Manager will be listed on the form in the Contact Info field asking "If other people should be copied on communications, please list their name(s) and email(s):" This is to provide internal technical assistance, and to make sure submissions are following the stated goals of “Promot[ing] intellectual coherence and sustainability” within a “reasonably controlled environment.”

After this step, the submitter begins being the primary contact interacting with the CURIOSity Service Team.