Required Data for Series Descriptions

Required Data for Series Descriptions

If you are only describing material at the series level, additional fields should be used such as Extent and Scope and Content. Both of these notes are extremely important. Scope and content is particularly important at the series level for users to understand what is in that portion of the collection, especially if it is not being described in greater detail. Extent allows researchers to understand how much material related to their specific interests is present and estimate their time spent with a collection.

As with all multilevel description, it is assumed that lower levels of description inherit information from the collection level. Thus you only need to use fields when information differs from that at the collection level. For instance if the collection is predominantly in Russian but you have a series of material in English, you would create a Language of Material note at the series level for the English language material but not for the material that is in Russian. 

The principle of inheritance applies to creator as well. Do not include the creator in your title if it is the same creator as the collection level. Also, do not use the title field for recording authorized names. Agents are the more appropriate place. 

Basic Information Tab


The title of your series, ex. Correspondence; Printed Ephemera; Photographs and Slides (no punctuation)


Roman numeral indicator of your series, ex. I, II (no punctuation)


Select ‘Series” from dropdown menu

Dates Tab


Keep “Creation” selected


Use to describe the natural language expression of your series date(s)

Example: circa 1990 March-2000 (no end punctuation)


Select from dropdown menu the type of date you are describing (inclusive, bulk, single)


Extents Tab


Keep “Whole” selected


Input the numeric measurement of linear feet, ex. 7


Select “linear feet” from the dropdown menu


Input the number of boxes, volumes, reels, ex. (14 document boxes) (use parentheses)

Notes Tab


Describe the contents of your series. Identify significant themes, people, organizations, and formats. 

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